

Happy Hanukkah

We went to our first Hanukkah party last night! Lots of laughs and hilarity all round!  I love how parties that are centered on YHVH, include Scripture, a Godly reason for celebrating! I'm not much of a "fun party-girl" being first-born and all, but I sure enjoy watching others have fun! That is how I have fun...watching others have fun....I love to be able to sit back and observe."

A few friends did some fun lip-synching to some fun songs....just seeing two moms dancing and singing, acting like their teenagers was incredibly fun to watch. I even caught a video of it on my smartphone! lol

This year we are learning how to play dreidel.  I bought a bunch of wooden dreidels and chocolate coins to give to our neighbors as well! They often bring xmas things over so this year we will reciprocate with our dreidels.  I just have to figure out my new laptop and make little cards with the rules etc. and they are ready to go!

Once again, I've decided to take a break from was taking up too much of my time. Wouldn't you know, a few days after I deactivated my account, people started asking for my business cards! Please YHVH, use me for Your glory!! 

I suppose this is sort of the equivilent to a xmas I will add some family info

Malachi-not sure what to say about him....he's been nicknamed "Calvin" from Calvin & Hobbes...if that gives you any kind of indication about his  He's a very smart, mischievous boy, who loves to help mama on preparation day, getting ready for Shabbat. Then sings "Shabbat Shalom" at the top of his lungs at random times when the house seems too quiet to his little

Shyla-always the little songbird....becoming a graceful young girl as she learns to dance by standing in the middle of the dancing teens during Shabbat or Feast day gatherings.  Hopefully she can teach this two left-footed mama! She is learning to read and math comes easy for her. It's sometimes hard to remember that there are 3 yrs between her and Malachi as they are almost the same size! She is a little mother, it is so neat to see this maternal spirit in her at such a young age. Her desire to learn the skills of a Proverbs 31 woman is already deeply embedded in her.  I bought the Homestead Blessings series for her and I to learn together...there is so much I don't know!

Silas-almost as tall as I am already.....I have to constantly remind myself he is just 11 yrs old! The awkward inbetween years....with no one his own age in our Shabbat group, it's hard for him.  Not really fitting in with the teens because they have been exposed to that much more than him, he is often lost in conversation. I well remember those years in my own life...oh how I hated them...he enjoys playing with his lego and is excited the outdoor skating rink is open already! He just discovered Jonathan Parks audiobooks and we're all enjoying those!  He still loves reading and we certainly encourage him in this area...we are looking for glasses for him right now. Jamie and I both got glasses around that age so it was just a matter of time I suppose!  He has been making money shoveling snow for various father like son!

Jamie is working for a landscaping company again this winter doing snow removal.  I sure enjoy his time home! We all  

Well, I suppose that's all the "news" from our home right now. We wish all our friends and family a holiday season full of love.

1 comment:

  1. Hiya Lori-Dawn... Loved reading all about your doings with your family !! This truely is a wonderful way to catch up with you !!
    Love ya lots..


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