

Cooking Brownies with Children

Remove teddy bear from oven and preheat oven to 375.  Melt 1 c. margarine in saucepan.  Remove teddy bear from oven and tell Malachi “no, no”.  Add margarine to 2 c. sugar.  Take shortening can away from Malachi and clean cupboards.  Measure 1/3 c. cocoa.  Take shortening can away from Malachi again and bathe cat.  Apply antiseptic and bandages to scratches sustained while removing shortening from cat’s tail.  Assemble 4 eggs, 2 tsp. vanilla, and 1 ½ c. sifted flour.  Take smoldering teddy bear from oven and open all doors and windows for ventilation.  Take telephone away from Malachi and assure party on the line the call was a mistake.  Call operator and attempt to have direct dialed call removed from bill.  Measure 1 tsp. salt, ½ c. nuts and beat all ingredients well.  Let cat out of refrigerator.  Pour mixture into well-greased 9x13 pan.  Bake 25 minutes.  Rescue cat and take razor away from Malachi.  Explain to kids that you have no idea if shaved cats will sunburn.  Throw cat outside while there’s still  time and he’s still able to run away.

Mix the following in saucepan:  1 c. sugar, 1 oz unsweetened chocolate, ¼ c. margarine.  Take the darn teddy bear out of the @#$% broiler and throw it away—far away.  Answer the door and meekly explain to nice policeman that you didn’t know Malachi had slipped out of the house and was heading for the street.  Put Malachi in playpen.  Add 1/3 c. milk, dash of salt, and boil, stirring constantly 2 minutes.  Answer door and apologize to neighbor for Malachi having stuck a garden hose in man’s front door mail slot.  Promise to pay for ruined carpet.  Tie Malachi to clothesline.  Remove burned brownies from oven. 

No, this didn't actually happen in our house...but it easily could have! haha


Scripture/Thought for the Week

  • 1) Is Yeshua (Jesus) the Word in the flesh? (John 14:1)
  • 2) Did Yeshua only speak the Father's Word in the Father's authority? (John 12:49)
  • 3) Is Yeshua (the Word) the same yesterday, today, and forever? (Hebrews 13:8)
  • 4) Is God the Word and can God not change? (John 1:1; Malachi 3:6)
  • 5) Is Leviticus 11 and 23 part of the Word of God? 
  • 6) Can Leviticus 11 and 23 change? (see questions 1-4)

Challenge question: Does your theology correctly answer yes to questions 1-4 but fail at question number 5-6?

15/02/2011 things change!

Last year, I was absolutely obsessed with learning all the roots and the history of the various "holidays" I grew up with...being horrified each time I found out where it originated from!  Our family spent the year getting rid of anything in our lives that had pagan roots and we shared our findings to our friends and family, only to be shut down and told that we were wrong to actually think that YHVH meant what He said when He told us we are not to worship HIM in the same manner the pagans worship their gods.  Some phrases they used were, "that's not what it means to me!" or "I prayed about it, but I don't feel convicted to change".  Oh the sadness in my heart when I heard those words...I could have said the same thing as a child and gotten disciplined hugely for not simply obeying the words of my earthly Father!  How is it different with our Heavenly Father?  Will He not chastise those who don't obey Him simply because they didn't feel convicted?

It was no surprise to find out that it was the Catholic church that seemed to think that "Christianizing" the pagan festivals, somehow redeemed them!  I mean if you think about it, Catholicism is a huge mishmash of pagan rituals and some Scripture thrown in, along with a huge chunk of man-made doctrine.  I say "some" Scripture because the whole "Old" testament is irrelevant don'tcha was "nailed to the cross"! (yes I'm being VERY sarcastic here!)  and Christianity is just a branch off of Catholicism. 

Anyhow, this year, has had a very different feel so far.  Now that I KNOW where certain days come from, I have no desire to celebrate yesterdays valentines day.  It came and went.  I know I am loved.  I am growing more and more confident as a wife and mother. I have security in my identity in Yahshua.  I am an Israelite.  I belong to the Olive Tree and as a grafted in branch, I have the same blessings that the rest of the "tree" well as the same conditions for those blessings.  It seems this year is a pruning year...digging deep and getting rid of sin...even just recognizing sin! oy!  I do not enjoy this process, and yet it is exciting because I know now more than ever that my Heavenly Father loves me, because He chastises those He loves!

Have you ever wondered why it seems that some Christians are incredibly blessed even though they don't keep Yah's commands?  I used to, and it really bugged me.  But then I read the verse that talks about, YHVH not being a respecter of persons.  He blesses whom He wants to bless, He doesn't need a reason. I got hung up on the unfairness of that for awhile...but quickly got over it. lol  Because He is also a Keeper of His promises, and I know that if I obey Him and follow the conditions He's given for certain blessings then He will bless me as well. 

Right now, He is teaching me to be humble and submissive to my husband....sigh...I have Irish blood in me...freckles and fair skin...yes I also have the quick temper to go with it!...LOL  However, that is NO excuse!  I am learning to shut up and say "yes dear" a little more often, while still failing at it other  Jamie even tests me every now and then with a big smile on his face letting me know that it IS indeed a test...LOL  I love Jamie's sense of humor!  Knowing my weaknesses, and "helping" me to overcome them with humor truly is a sign of wisdom and love.  In an effort to create more peace in our home, I've started to lay low on mixed group teachings and simply go to Jamie when I have questions.  This IS after all the way it is supposed to be according to Scripture!  I do not believe that women should be preachers, teachers or leaders among the men.  If there are men present, then that role belongs to them and it is their own shame if they are not fit for the task!  They will be held accountable for their leadership role of their family....or the lack thereof.  I will talk more about this in another post 

Enough of the update.  check out my other blog if you want to see a cute picture of my daughter that was recently in the Calgary Sun!


Shyla in the Calgary Sun!!!

We had so much fun picnicking at Bowness Park during the Sabbath yesterday!  It is not often that we have winter picnics, but the weather was warm and so we made good use of it!  I'm so blessed that a newspaper cameraman happened by and wanted to take this picture!  I will always remember the fun we had with our friends as the kids skated and played while the parents were actually able to sit and talk for a bit!  The kids all slept well last night to say the least!