

Robots or Those Who Choose to Serve?

The following is an excerpt from Mama's Torah on page 88, with a gentle reminder at the end that we are all on different areas of our Journey....

As born-again Believers we need to bear good fruit, and we need to help bring restoration to the whole house of Israel.  We can best do that by walking in the wisdom of Torah.  However, our walk must reflect our New Covenant redemption in Messiah Yeshua, and be written on hearts by the Ruach. (Jer 31:31-33; Heb 8:10; 10:16)

We must realize that Abba does not want us to be obedient because it is mandated that we do so.  He wants us to choose Him.  That is what it means to be part of the "chosen" people; we are chosen to choose.  "Choose this day whom you will serve, O Israel" (Joshua 24:15) (Ex 19:4-6; Deut 4:37; 7:6-8; 10:15; 30:19; Jer 33:23-26; 1 Peter 1:1; 2:9)

Abba is not looking for puppets or robots, but for a people who delight to walk in His way.  He tells us to "Ask for the ancient paths, where the good way is, and walk in it; and you will find rest for your souls" (Jeremiah 6:16)

He wants us to delight in the Sabbath rest of our Messiah, so He can "make us ride on the heights of the earth," and "feed us with the heritage of Jacob" (Isaiah 58:1-14; Hebrews 4:1,9).

However, we must realize that His many children can be in various stages of learning about His ways.  We must not try to force-feed them truths He mercifully shows us, nor be condescending to them.  Messiah Yeshua did not treat us that way, but instead came to us in mercy.  We must do the same.

 In my own anger at being deceived, I tried to force-feed people the Truth as I learned more and more about the deception of "Christianity" (this doesn't speak about ALL Christians but the beliefs of the vast majority of lukewarm Christians)...but they weren't ready yet....I didn't understand enough of the Hebraic mindset to simply live the Truth and let others inquire after me.  I was still stuck in the Greek mindset that I must evangelize to everyone!  Oh that I didn't step on so many toes in my infancy!  I am STILL but a babe in my knowledge of Torah, but may He continue to guide me and correct me and lead me in His straight and narrow path.


Quote of the Day

“It's better to be divided by truth, than to be united in error. It's better to speak the truth that hurts & then heals, than to speak a lie that will comfort & then kill. It is better to be hated for telling the truth than to be loved for telling a lie. It's better to stand alone with the truth, than to be wrong with a multitude. It is better to ultimately die with the truth, than to live with a lie.~Adrian Rogers


Little Update....

Outside my husbands beautiful rock pond that catches the water from the garage when it's so beautiful!
I am thinking......about downsizing our kitchen we really NEED dishes for company? or could I just make sure I have paper plates on hand?
From the Learning Room......learning the Hebrew Aleph-bet and listening to the corresponding CD lots in the last few days.
I am thankful husband who is gentle with me, yet prods me at the same time to do the things I want to get done.
From the kitchen......a box of apples waiting to get chopped up and put into the freezer.
I am reading.......Mama's Torah, HalleluYah Scriptures.
I am hoping/praying.......for clear direction for the immediate future.
I am creating......chaos...but want to create a home of shalom.
I am listening to............
Around the house........are lots of tidy up jobs and repair jobs that need tackled
One of my favorite things......the sound of noisy children playing together and laughing with each other.
A few plans for the rest of the week.................library program on Wednesday, laundry, and purging.
Purging one of our bills as well...we are getting rid of our Shaw account, which means we will be living without a home phone, internet and cable. (we will NOT miss the cable!)