

A Dream with Interpretation....

The following is a dream a friend recently shared with me along with the interpretation, which I whole-heartedly agree with.  An awesome reminder to hold fast to our convictions and not let the enemy sneak in by appearing "cute" or harmless.

My family and I had just moved into a new house, (this is the "dream" part because we've been trying to move for a while now and we were in a fabulous new home, nothing fancy, just exactly what we're looking for). I woke up the first morning in our new home and started to go down the stairs into the kitchen area when I spotted on the bottom of the stairs what looked like a roach. ( This was very disturbing for me because once we lived in a du-plex that was infested with roaches. I hate them with a passion! Thankfully, we did not live there long. We moved into our first home and much to our delight I think we've found one dead roach in our attic since we've moved here about 10 years ago! So, you can imagine my distraught in the dream, thinking I've just moved from a place with virtually no roaches to the house of our dreams WITH Roaches!) As I got closer what looked like a roach started to look more like a huge, brown scorpion! I was the only one up and knew I had to do something about it right away, so started looking for something to kill it with. A few moments later my hubby joined me downstairs and took over the mission. As we ran around looking for something strong enough to hit it with, it started running toward the area we were standing, which caused us to quickly move out of that area (LOL), that's when I noticed ANOTHER ONE! Both my hubby and I started smacking the floor tying to kill these things as they scurried around us (gives me the hibby-gibbies just thinking about it). I guess what we were using wasn't strong enough because we would hit them and break parts of them but they were still alive and moving. Then the weirdest thing happened, as parts of them began to be destroyed the scorpions started to appear differently. They started to appear cute, like little white puppies starring up at us wondering why we were trying to kill them! Now it had become impossible to kill them, they were too cute. Even though we couldn't understand what had happened we gave up trying to kill them and decided they could stay. This is where this part of the dream ended. Now on to the interpretation...

I believe Father was showing me the enemy in the form of the scorpion, always lurking about ready to attack. We HAVE to remember he can change into any form he wants and most of the time he won't come as an ugly scorpion, that would be too obvious. He comes as an angel of light or a cute puppy! Decieving you with the warm fuzzy feelings so he can stick around and poison us! Our eyes, ears, hearts, feelings can easily decieve us!! But, Father sees them for the evil that they are. We must SEE through HIS eyes! TEST EVERYTHING in our lives according to HIM, His Word!!!

After he showed me this, the first thought that came to my head was Christmas. Everyone sees it as this sweet, innocent, little holiday. I mean what can be as innocent as celebrating the birth of our Messiah, right? As I thought of this I felt Father's utter disgust! The feeling literally makes me nauseous. Things we see as harmless, innocent, He sees as vile, filth! Worthless excrement that needs to be puked out of our life!

Christmas came to me at first, but it's not just Christmas that the enemy uses! He can use anything and everything he wants. ALL of us, need to step back and take a REAL look at the things we are allowing into our lives!! Pray that we will have Father's eyes to SEE it for what it really is. Is is acceptable to Him or unacceptable? His Word is our plumbline our tester of all things!

When I first read it, the first thing that came to my mind was TV.  We have a TV, and every now and then we get Cable....and then we are again convicted about the Cable and get it disconnected, yet a year or so later we get it again! SIGH, the last time we got cable we only kept it for 2 months...I think we've learned this  And even just this past week with the Nintendo Wii's on major sale, I caught myself thinking "oh that would be fun!!"  Sure it would but then we'd have to deal with addiction issues to the games!  It's a distraction from the things of Yah!  And then there's the Mary Higgins Clark book I read a few weeks ago...totally did NOT point me in the direction of my Creator and totally made me neglect my household chores as I couldn't put it down...sigh  Another seemingly harmless thing that distracted me...this dream applies to so many areas of our lives.  It reminds me to stay grounded in the Word and as I keep the Word in my mind and heart, the things of the enemy will NOT appear "cute" and harmless!!  May YHVH continue to increase my discernment in these last days.


A Guest Blog!

 I share the same thoughts about Christmas as my friend Leslie and would like to share them with you as well.  Shalom.

You can click on the title to go directly to her blog. 


December 14th, 2010
Two things I’ve learned this year about Christmas:
1. It is nowhere in Scriptures and in no way accurately depicts the birth of the Messiah. In fact, there is a feast that does reflect the birth of Yeshua.
2. Not only is it not Scriptural, it is actually a pagan holiday- from the date to the tree, to the gift-giving and the wreath.
Now there are a few things I know about YHVH, our Elohim:
1. He is a jealous God.
“For the LORD your God is a devouring fire, a jealous God.” Deuteronomy 4:24 (see also Exodus 34:14)
2. He wants me to worship Him in spirit & in truth.
“But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for such the Father seeks to worship him. God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth.” John 4:23-24
3. He does not want me worshiping other gods- so much so that He gave it to Moses as the very first commandment.
“And God spoke all these words, saying, ‘I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage.’ ‘You shall have no other gods before me.’” Exodus 20:1 (see also Deut. 5:6-7)
4. Nor does He want me to worship Him how others worship their gods. Those practices are detestable to Him.
“Take heed that you be not ensnared to follow them, after they have been destroyed before you, and that you do not inquire about their gods, saying, ‘How did these nations serve their gods? –that I also may do likewise.’ You shall not do so to the LORD your God; for every abominable thing which the LORD hates they have done for their gods; for they even burn their sons and their daughters in the fire to their gods. “Everything that I command you you shall be careful to do; you shall not add to it or take from it.” Deuteronomy 12:30-32
“Thus says the LORD: “Learn not the way of the nations, nor be dismayed at the signs of the heavens because the nations are dismayed at them, for the customs of the peoples are false. A tree from the forest is cut down, and worked with an axe by the hands of a craftsman. Men deck it with silver and gold; they fasten it with hammer and nails so that it cannot move. Their idols are like scarecrows in a cucumber field, and they cannot speak; they have to be carried, for they cannot walk. Be not afraid of them, for they cannot do evil, neither is it in them to do good.” There is none like thee, O LORD; thou art great, and thy name is great in might.” Jeremiah 10:2-6
Often times when I feel convicted about something, I only share the conviction but not the feelings that accompany it. I’m afraid this may cause me to seem like a stoic, heartless believer. And that just isn’t the case. My heart is no different than anyone else’s―it longs, it aches, it breaks. So, if you have the impression that I have no reverence for memories or tradition, or that I all too quickly toss aside anything that has the smallest hint of impurity in it or that I believe myself to be above it, please know that it is far from the truth. I must get down on my knees DAILY and repent. YHVH (Lord), our Elohim (our God) has much work to do with me still. Just so we’re all clear. This isn’t about being perfect, it is about following direction.
Some of my favorite memories from my childhood involved things like easter egg hunts and putting cookies out for Santa. And I was happily set out to make the same kind of memories with my own children. Now, I know some of you never included those activities in your religious celebrations, but we did not know any better. I first read the Bible as an adult, and for all I was aware as a child, God and Santa were good friends. That sounds a bit absurd, but honestly the thought never crossed my mind what the Lord, YHVH, wanted me to do. I just pursued what I wanted, and as I matured, what I “thought” was best.
As I grew in my faith, I knew what was bad, and I avoided those activities. I did not kill anyone; I felt guilty when I lied; I tried not to steal. I understood the blacks and the whites. And I thought Jesus just encompassed all the grey with his love. I believed (I think because I was taught) that all those grey areas, the iffy subjects, did not matter because I was a believer. Because I loved him, I would always be washed white— no matter how many stains I willingly got on my shirt. As long as my heart and mind were on Yeshua (Jesus), I did not think whatever worldly occasions I embraced really mattered. I did not know this, however:
“The inclination of the human heart is evil from youth.” ~Genesis 8:21
“Above everything else, guard your heart; for it is the source of life’s consequences.” ~Proverbs 4:23
“All a person’s ways are right in his own view, but YHVH weighs the heart.”  ~Proverbs 21:2
Please hear me correctly: I certainly believe Yeshua ha’Moschiach came to redeem us from our sins so that would could be washed clean. But he will come again to gather his sheep, and who are his sheep? Those who listen to his voice and obey his commands. So, if there is something the Almighty commands us not to do, wouldn’t you want to know?
I did not come lightly to the realization that I needed to change a few things- that some things to which I’d grown accustomed, YHVH, in fact, detested. I am admittedly a bit sad this year, for the changing of traditions, for the fact it saddens others around me. Oh, how I wish we had not inherited futile, useless customs! I am trying my best to follow YHVH’s leading on this and pray for His guidance as each situation arises. There is a time for everything. There will be a time to speak and a time to be quiet, a time to participate and a time to stay away. And there will be a time to celebrate! YHVH gives us wonderful Feast days, all His appointed times, His prophetic messages. HalleluYAH!
May YHVH light your way as you walk the narrow path.
I leave you with a conversation I had the other day with my oldest son, who is 11:
Me : “I have to admit, honey, I am gonna miss Christmas a little.”
Son: “Don’t worry, Mama, as we celebrate the feasts more & more they will become fun traditions too.”

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A Guest Post!

 I share the same thoughts about Christmas as my friend Leslie and would like to share them with you as well.  Shalom.

You can click on the title to go directly to her blog. 


December 14th, 2010


Two things I’ve learned this year about Christmas:

1. It is nowhere in Scriptures and in no way accurately depicts the birth of the Messiah. In fact, there is a feast that does reflect the birth of Yeshua.

2. Not only is it not Scriptural, it is actually a pagan holiday- from the date to the tree, to the gift-giving and the wreath.

Now there are a few things I know about YHVH, our Elohim:

1. He is a jealous God.

“For the LORD your God is a devouring fire, a jealous God.” Deuteronomy 4:24 (see also Exodus 34:14)

2. He wants me to worship Him in spirit & in truth.

“But the hour is coming, and now is, when the
true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for such
the Father seeks to worship him. God is spirit, and those who worship
him must worship in spirit and truth.”
John 4:23-24

3. He does not want me worshiping other gods- so much so that He gave it to Moses as the very first commandment.

“And God spoke all these words, saying, ‘I am the
LORD your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the
house of bondage.’ ‘You shall have no other gods before me.’”
Exodus 20:1 (see also Deut. 5:6-7)

4. Nor does He want me to worship Him how others worship their gods. Those practices are detestable to Him.

“Take heed that you be not ensnared to follow
them, after they have been destroyed before you, and that you do not
inquire about their gods, saying, ‘How did these nations serve their
gods? –that I also may do likewise.’ You shall not do so to the LORD
your God; for every abominable thing which the LORD hates they have
done for their gods; for they even burn their sons and their daughters
in the fire to their gods. “Everything that I command you you shall be
careful to do; you shall not add to it or take from it.”
Deuteronomy 12:30-32

“Thus says the LORD: “Learn not the way of the
nations, nor be dismayed at the signs of the heavens because the
nations are dismayed at them, for the customs of the peoples are
false. A tree from the forest is cut down, and worked with an axe by
the hands of a craftsman. Men deck it with silver and gold; they fasten
it with hammer and nails so that it cannot move. Their idols are like
scarecrows in a cucumber field, and they cannot speak; they have to be
carried, for they cannot walk. Be not afraid of them, for they cannot
do evil, neither is it in them to do good.” There is none like thee, O
LORD; thou art great, and thy name is great in might.”
Jeremiah 10:2-6


Often times when I feel convicted about something, I only share the
conviction but not the feelings that accompany it. I’m afraid this may
cause me to seem like a stoic, heartless believer. And that just isn’t
the case. My heart is no different than anyone else’s―it longs, it
aches, it breaks. So, if you have the impression that I have no
reverence for memories or tradition, or that I all too quickly toss
aside anything that has the smallest hint of impurity in it or that I
believe myself to be above it, please know that it is far from the
I must get down on my knees DAILY and repent. YHVH
(Lord), our Elohim (our God) has much work to do with me still. Just so
we’re all clear. This isn’t about being perfect, it is about following

Some of my favorite memories from my childhood involved things like
easter egg hunts and putting cookies out for Santa. And I was happily
set out to make the same kind of memories with my own children. Now, I
know some of you never included those activities in your religious
celebrations, but we did not know any better. I first read the Bible as
an adult, and for all I was aware as a child, God and Santa were good
friends. That sounds a bit absurd, but honestly the thought never
crossed my mind what the Lord, YHVH, wanted me to do. I just pursued
what I wanted, and as I matured, what I “thought” was best.

As I grew in my faith, I knew what was bad, and I avoided
those activities. I did not kill anyone; I felt guilty when I lied; I
tried not to steal. I understood the blacks and the whites. And I
thought Jesus just encompassed all the grey with his love. I believed (I
think because I was taught) that all those grey areas, the iffy
subjects, did not matter because I was a believer. Because I loved him, I
would always be washed white— no matter how many stains I willingly got
on my shirt. As long as my heart and mind were on Yeshua (Jesus), I did
not think whatever worldly occasions I embraced really mattered. I did
not know this, however:

“The inclination of the human heart is evil from youth.” ~Genesis 8:21

“Above everything else, guard your heart; for it is the source of life’s consequences.” ~Proverbs 4:23

“All a person’s ways are right in his own view, but YHVH weighs the heart.”  ~Proverbs 21:2

Please hear me correctly: I certainly believe Yeshua
ha’Moschiach came to redeem us from our sins so that would could be
washed clean. But he will come again to gather his sheep, and who are
his sheep? Those who listen to his voice and obey his commands. So, if there is something the Almighty commands us not to do, wouldn’t you want to know?

I did not come lightly to the realization that I needed to change a
few things- that some things to which I’d grown accustomed, YHVH, in
fact, detested. I am admittedly a bit sad this year, for the changing of
traditions, for the fact it saddens others around me. Oh, how I wish we
had not inherited futile, useless customs! I am trying my best to
follow YHVH’s leading on this and pray for His guidance as each
situation arises. There is a time for everything. There will be a time
to speak and a time to be quiet, a time to participate and a time to
stay away. And there will be a time to celebrate! YHVH gives us
wonderful Feast days, all His appointed times, His prophetic messages.

May YHVH light your way as you walk the narrow path.


I leave you with a conversation I had the other day with my oldest son, who is 11:

Me : “I have to admit, honey, I am gonna miss Christmas a little.”

Son: “Don’t worry, Mama, as we celebrate the feasts more & more they will become fun traditions too.”

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The World is Mine

The World Is Mine

Today, upon a bus I saw

A lovely maid with golden hair;

I envied her_ she seemed so gay_

And, oh, I wished i were so fair.

When suddenly she rose to leave,

I saw her hobble down the aisle;

She had one foot, and wore a crutch_

But as she passed, she had a smile!

Oh, God, forgive me when I wine;

I have two feet! The world is mine!

And when I stopped to buy some sweets,

The lad who served me had such charm;

He seemed to radiate good cheer;

His manner was so kind and warm.

I said, "It's so nice to deal with you.

Such courtesy I seldom find."

He turned and said, "Oh thank you, sir!"

And then I saw that he was blind!

Oh, God, forgive me when I wine;

I have two eyes! The world is mine!

Then walking down the street I saw

A little boy with eyes of blue.

He stood and watched as others played;

It seemed he knew not what to do.

I stopped a moment; then said,

"Why don't you join the others, dear?"

He looked ahead without a word,

And then I knew he could not hear!

Oh, God, forgive me when I wine;

I have two ears! The world is mine!

With feet to take me where I'd go_

With eyes to see the sunset glow_

With ears to hear what I should know_

Oh, God, forgive me when I wine;

I'm blessed indeed! The world is mine!

- Author Unknown


Birth-day of the Messiah!

So simple, yet if you are not looking you would never find it! Sounds like YHVH to me!! 

Mt 13:10-17
10 The disciples came to him and asked, “Why do you speak to the people in parables?”
 11 He replied, “Because the knowledge of the secrets of the kingdom of heaven has been given to you, but not to them. 12 Whoever has will be given more, and they will have an abundance. Whoever does not have, even what they have will be taken from them. 13 This is why I speak to them in parables:
   “Though seeing, they do not see;
   though hearing, they do not hear or understand.
   14 In them is fulfilled the prophecy of Isaiah:
   “‘You will be ever hearing but never understanding;
   you will be ever seeing but never perceiving.
15 For this people’s heart has become calloused;
   they hardly hear with their ears,
   and they have closed their eyes.
Otherwise they might see with their eyes,
   hear with their ears,
   understand with their hearts
and turn, and I would heal them.’[a]
   16 But blessed are your eyes because they see, and your ears because they hear. 17 For truly I tell you, many prophets and righteous people longed to see what you see but did not see it, and to hear what you hear but did not hear it."

Now while birthdays are pagan in origin, please remember that this is a Christian pastor teaching, so perhaps many pagan practices haven't been revealed to him yet.  I hope you enjoyed this little lesson on how we know for sure the time of year Yahshua was born! Let me know what you think!



Modesty is something that is important to me.  It didn't used to be such a big issue but the more I get to know the heart of my Creator, the more it matters to me.  He gave guidelines to follow, did you know that?



Yes, I used to have a Happy Hanukkah post here...however, I was not at peace with it.  Not with the post, the post was fine, I was not at peace with Hanukkah!  Here I am, trying to get rid of man-made traditions in my life and I accept this one.  How silly was that?  Once I talked to Jamie and we agreed that it was NOT one of YHWH's commanded Feasts and therefore just another man-made holiday, we decided much to my relief, that we would bypass it this year.  It simply felt too hypocritical for us to embrace it, while turning up our nose at all other man-made holidays.  I'm not saying that it is a pagan holiday.  I'm not saying that YHWH will strike you down if you DO celebrate it or Christmas.  But for us, He is leading us away from anything with pagan roots (Christmas) as well as anything that is not commanded by Him to celebrate(Hanukkah).  Yes, that means birthdays will not be celebrated either...but we WILL enjoy giving gifts to our children at random and in complete surprise!  This way there will never be any expectation, but only joy and thankfulness when they get them! lol

So instead of celebrating anything, we are simply going to enjoy our time together as a family and do the things we always say we'll do but never find time to do!  Lots of games, toboganning, perhaps even ice skating, go to the Royal Tyrell Museum with our Creation Guide.  Yes, we'll have a vacation at home!  We'll likely be the most relaxed family in Alberta without the stresses of Christmas shopping etc!! lol

I hope this first cold month of the year finds your hearts and homes warm.


"Well, He knows my heart"

Oh how lukewarm I feel after watching this video...I desire a heart like David's, humble, ready to repent and CHANGE, accepting the consequences of my actions when I DO sin!  I want my heart to mirror Yah's heart!!  No more excuses,  but to dig into Torah and KNOW His heart so He can circumcise my own!  With tears I write this, as I know how selfish I am and how much I need to change and WANT to change! Thank you Abba for Your grace and mercy as I seek YOU and learn how YOU want me to worship You and live my life for You.


How Do You Socialize Your Children?

Hee hee, it really is pretty silly, eh?  Yet true, EVERYONE I know asks me this if they are not already homeschoolers...It's hard to stop from rolling my eyes, especially at the park, when my kids are very clearly playing fine with other children, if not better than public school kids!


The Crippled Lamb

Sign of the Crippled Lamb
There was a man and his wife who raised sheep.  This man and woman loved YHWH with all their hearts and it was their supreme desire to live in a way that pleased their heavenly Father.  One day one of their ewes had a lamb during the night.  In the morning when the man went out to take care of their sheep as he did every morning, he found the new lamb.  However, there was a problem: the lamb could not stand up on its own; the only thing that the lamb could do was lie on its side and flail its legs.
So the man put the lamb up on the milking stand so he could help the lamb drink some milk from its mother.  After he did this he then went about doing the rest of his chores, with the plan of coming back to the newborn lamb after the rest of the milking and chores were done.  His wife also came out to help with the chores and suggested later to take the new lamb in the house for a while.
After all the chores were done he once again put the ewe back up on the milking stand and fed the new baby lamb (a ewe also) once again.  It was at that time that the man noticed that the lamb’s tail was not quite right.  In fact, he noticed that the ewe lamb had been born with a deformity that was not allowing the lamb to stand up and walk.  It was born with a small portion of its spine exposed; this was just above the tail.  So the man took this ewe lamb into the house for a short time to examine it more closely.
 It was determined that the lamb was most likely not going to make it and that the humane thing to do was to put it down (euthanize it).  This was the determination of the man and his wife together.
Later that morning the man went out to dig a grave for the lamb.  Then he went back into the house and got the lamb and took it out to the grave.  However, the man was a praying man and he had already been talking to his heavenly Father about this little lamb.  As the man sat on a large rock by the open grave holding the lamb he openly cried.  He cried out to his heavenly Father as to what this might mean and the purpose of this lamb being born this way.  It could not have been an accident that this new lamb was born crippled and deformed as the man knew that YHWH was sovereign over His creation. 
As this man sat there caressing this ewe lamb he put it upon the ground.  The lamb tried and tried to stand up, but it just could not stand up.  With a little assistance from the man, the lamb could stand up as long as the man steadied it so it would not fall over.  It could not stay standing for long as it was weak.  It also did not have the coordination to stand on its own.  The more the lamb struggled, the more the man cried.  The lamb was so very determined that the man could not bring himself to put the lamb down.  If the lamb was not willing to give up, then why should the man give up?  Perhaps, he thought and prayed, “If I take it in to the mother ewe again and help it to nurse again, it will gain the strength to stand on its own.”  So that is what he did.
He soon discovered that the lamb was, in fact, gaining a little strength to be able to stand on its own; it just needed help getting there.  But it could not stay on its feet for long without falling.  It just simply did not have the coordination to walk.  It was very alert and knew its mother and wanted to follow its mother, it tried to follow its mother, but it was simply not able to do so.
This is what the Spirit of YHWH impressed upon the man as to the meaning of this crippled lamb.  The lamb is a ewe lamb because it represents Israel.  In the same manner as this crippled lamb was not able to stand on its own, so too Israel has never been able to stand on its own.  Israel needs help to get to its feet, but even when she gets to her feet, she then quickly stumbles and falls.  The ewe lamb knows that it needs to nurse from its mother.  Likewise, Israel knows she needs to feed from the Spirit of YHWH.  Israel knows she needs to follow the Spirit, but when she attempts to do so, she quickly falls and cannot get back up on her own.
Not only is this true of the nation of Israel, but it is true of the individuals of that nation.  As it was discussed and decided by the man and his wife to put the lamb down, likewise the individuals of Israel often look at one another (instead of looking at Yeshua Mashiach) and see a cripple who cannot walk properly and think and decide on their own, “that cripple needs to be put down”.  However, each one in Israel is in that same condition; each and every Israelite is a cripple in some way.  One has trouble following the Spirit in one area and another has trouble following the Spirit in another area.  But all of Israel is crippled.  One cripple looks at another and thinks, “He should be put down.”  The one being looked at looks back and also sees a cripple and thinks the very same thing: that the cripple he is looking at who is looking at him should be put down.
This man who owned these sheep, to which a crippled lamb was born, had great compassion upon his new lamb and did what he could for it to see if he could help it learn to walk on its own.  Likewise, our heavenly Father has great compassion upon us as it is not His desire to put us down.  Sometimes we give Him no choice.  But as long as one of His lambs is still struggling to get up and to walk, He will have mercy. 
Don’t you think that it is time that we showed this same amount of mercy towards one another?
When the man would look at the little ewe lamb struggling so, he had no hope that the little ewe lamb was going to make it.  Then, when the man thought of Israel and looked at how Israel struggles with walking and following the Spirit of YHWH, he also wondered if there was any hope for Israel for this generation that he was a part of.  He thought of how in Moshe’s generation only two men were able to stand on their own and go into the Promised Land.  And one of those men was not Moshe.  He wondered if there was much hope for this generation.
Then, the Spirit of YHWH brought back to his mind that there was an open grave waiting for the little ewe lamb.  Likewise, there is an open grave waiting for each one of the members of this generation of Israel.  Just as in that first generation which came out of Egypt, all but two died in the wilderness, so too have many generations died in the wilderness because they did not know how to walk in a way that was pleasing to our heavenly Father.  Those in Israel know how to walk in a manner that is pleasing to themselves.  Some within Israel seem to know a little bit about how to walk alone in His commandments, but have no idea how to truly walk in His commandments together as a nation.  Few seem to know how to walk in a manner worthy of the high calling He has placed upon each one.  Few seem to know how to put to death the works of the flesh and walk in His Spirit.
The man looked at that grave and knew that that grave was for every person who was a part of Israel today.  He wondered if this generation would get it right in following His Spirit.  He wondered if there was any hope for this generation in walking in the love of Mashiach.  Many generations of Israel had already been put down because they could not walk together to keep and do His commandments according to His word without adding to or taking away from His commandments.
The man knew that he must do whatever he could for this little ewe lamb.  He knew that this was a sign to this generation.  He knew that he personally must change how he thought and how he acted in following the Spirit of YHWH.
The man continued to help the little ewe lamb nurse from its mother and to strengthen the bond between the mother and the ewe lamb.  The ewe lamb gained some strength and some coordination.  But it was slow, very slow.
Many times as the man would hold the little ewe lamb under the mother so it could nurse, the little ewe lamb would go to sleep while eating.  Since it was not able to stand under the mother on its own strength all it had to do was suck because the man was holding it.  So, many times while it was sucking, it would go to sleep.
Likewise, many who are babes in Mashiach Yeshua while being fed spiritual food from His Spirit, simply go to sleep.  Many have to be held up to the Spirit of YHWH by others in order to feed for they cannot feed themselves; they do not have the strength or coordination to do so.  They do not have the knowledge and understanding to feed themselves, let alone feed another.
Ivrim (Hebrews) 5:12-14 
12 For though by this time you ought to be teachers, you have need again that someone teach you the elementary principles of the oracles of Elohim; and have become such as have need of milk, and not of solid food.
13 For every one that partakes of milk is without experience of the word of righteousness; for he is a babe.
14 But solid food is for full grown men, even those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern good and evil.
It would seem that the majority, including myself for the longest time, misunderstand the use of the term “solid food” in this context.  While we get what it means partially, we do not get it fully.  However, when we understand solid food as being compared to milk in the context of sheep, then we can understand it to its fullest meaning. 
This crippled lamb needed its mother’s milk to survive.  However, it could not get it on its own like a normal lamb.  It needed help.  A normal lamb by the time it is three days old has already started to eat grass and hay – solid food.  Now the significance of this is important when we consider how a ruminant such as a sheep, goat or cow digests its food.  After grazing upon grass or hay, it will then later bring that grass or hay back up from its first stomach into its mouth a little at a time and chew its cud.  It will do this for hours.
Likewise, this is the picture that the writer to the Hebrew talmidim is contrasting between milk and solid food.  When we eat solid food we must chew on it, we must bring it back to our minds again and again to meditate upon it.
Tehillim (Psalm) 1:2 
But his delight is in the Torah of YHWH;
And on His Torah he does meditate day and night.
What do you spend most of your time thinking about?  Be honest!  Is it TV programs, your job, problems in your life, a hobby?  If one truly has the desire to grow and mature in His faith and walk in Mashiach Yeshua, then he needs to meditate upon the commandments of YHWH.  He needs to chew his cud.
So the man watched, particularly upon the third day, for this little lamb to begin to eat hay. 
Tehillim (Psalm) 30:5 
For His anger is but for a moment;
His favor is for a life-time;
Weeping may tarry for the night,
But joy comes in the morning.
The man noticed that by the third day the lamb was able to lie on its haunches and not be on its side all the time.  So the man gained a spark of hope.  However, the lamb still had not begun to eat solid food yet by the third day.  The man wondered at this and thought that this surely could not be a good sign.
This ewe lamb was white with a few red spots, two different color red spots.  The red spot on the back of its neck was a very bright blood red.  The rest of the spots were much lighter red in color.  As the man contemplated these spots as to what they might mean, the Spirit of YHWH came to him and revealed that they did have meaning.
As the lamb was crippled, it also had spots or blemishes.  It had two different colors of spots signifying two different things.  The first thing it signified was that Israel has spots or blemishes.  Israel is not perfect.  The individuals within Israel are not perfect.  Only our Redeemer is perfect, which is, in fact, why we need a Redeemer.
The one spot which was the color of blood on the back of its neck signifies the need to have the Blood of the Redeemer applied to each one in Israel.  It is significant that there was only one spot this blood red color as His Blood is applied to a person for salvation only one time. 
Ivrim (Hebrews) 6:4-6
4 For as touching those who were once enlightened and tasted of the heavenly gift, and were made partakers of the Holy Spirit,
5 and tasted the good word of Elohim, and the powers of the age to come,
6 and then fell away, it is impossible to renew them again unto repentance; seeing they crucify to themselves the Son of Elohim afresh, and put Him to open shame.
Ivrim (Hebrews) 10:26-27
26 For if we sin willfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remains no more a sacrifice for sins,
27 but a certain fearful expectation of judgment, and a fierceness of fire which shall devour the adversaries.
This is not to say that we cannot plead that Blood of Mashiach which has been applied to us many times, because we can and should do this as needed.  However, that does not mean that the Blood of Mashiach is being reapplied for salvation, just used to do His work in our lives.
Matithyah (Matthew) 26:41
“Watch and pray, that you enter not into temptation; the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.”
This little ewe lamb wanted so badly to get up and to follow its mother around and to do what little lambs do, but its body (flesh) was not able to do it as it was too weak and did not have the coordination to do so.  As much as it wanted to stand and walk, it was not able to make its body do what its mind was telling it to do.
Now about the second day of this crippled lamb’s life YHWH’s Spirit impressed upon the man to watch for something on the sixth day.  The man did not know what he was to watch for but he was hopeful that the Spirit of YHWH was telling him to watch for something on this day.  So the man continued to feed and care for the lamb.
The sixth day came and as the man watched, he did not see anything significant at first.  Everything seemed to be the same as the previous days.  Then YHWH opened his eyes to see what the little ewe lamb was doing.  It appeared that the little ewe lamb had resigned itself to living in the box.  It was no longer trying to get up and walk.  The man watched for another day or so to be sure, and sure enough, the little lamb had given up.  All hope in the man for the little ewe lamb died.  The man did not understand why the little ewe lamb had given up and resigned itself to a life of living in a box.  But his real concern was for Israel, whom the little lamb represented.  Did this mean that Israel had given up?
Then a question formed in his mind.  Did he help the lamb too much?  When the little ewe lamb had trouble latching on to the mother’s teat to eat, did the man hold the lamb’s head steady too much?  Is there such a thing as too much compassion?
The man knew that it was only a matter of time before the little ewe lamb would die.  He knew that when an animal or a person gives up, death is not far away.  He sought some answers from YHWH, but YHWH did not answer right away, not until the tenth day of the little ewe lamb’s life did YHWH answer the man.
The little ewe lamb would die when it was twelve days old, on the thirteenth day of its life.  The Spirit impressed upon the man that this too was a part of the sign and that this was YHWH’s will for this little ewe lamb.  The man knew that the grave was still open and waiting for the little ewe lamb and that he would lay that little ewe lamb in that grave in a couple more days.
Romans 8:12-13
12 So then, brethren, we are debtors, not to the flesh, to live after the flesh;
13 for if you live after the flesh, you must die; but if by the Spirit you put to death the deeds of the body, you shall live.
The Spirit of YHWH showed the man that if Israel was going to live in the manner in which YHWH desires for her to live, then she is going to have to die.  This is why the lamb lived for twelve days and died upon the thirteenth day, to show that this truth applies to all twelve (thirteen) tribes.  If a person is going to be a part of Israel, then he must die to self and the desires of the flesh.  He can no longer walk after his own will seeking to do whatever he believes is right in his own mind.  It is time that Israel learns to walk in the fullness of His Spirit.  In order to do this each and every person who is a part of Israel must die.
Matithyah (Matthew) 16:25-26
25 “For whosoever would save his life shall lose it; and whosoever shall lose his life for My sake shall find it.
26 For what shall a man be profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and forfeit his life?  Or what shall a man give in exchange for his life?”
Yeshua challenged us with many words.  These words challenge us that if we are going to be His true talmidim, then we are going to have to lay down our lives and allow Him to live His life through us once again.  There is nothing in this world that can give us what we truly need.  It cannot give to us joy, shalom, or love.  Only a right relationship with our Creator can do that, and that can only be attained through the Blood of Yeshua our Mashiach. 
If Israel is going to walk as Israel, that is as the people of YHWH our Elohim, then we have to die to self.  We have to die to all our own plans.  We have to give them up and seek to do only His will.  If there is any vestige of seeking after the self life, then that person will one day fall in the wilderness and not be allowed to enter into His land and His covenant!
ABBA YHWH, please open the eyes of Your people to see themselves as You see them, then, may each person fall on their faces before You in total and complete repentance of doing whatever is right in their own eyes and obey You; in the name of Yeshua our Mashiach.
Amein and amein.

© All material is copyrighted and no part may be changed, added to, shortened or edited; however, the entirety of the article may be reproduced as long as the author’s name remains attached to the article.  It is encouraged and a blessing for others to forward these teachings to others, and permission is hereby granted for this as long as the teaching is kept wholly intact, which includes the author’s name and contact information, the “One Torah For All” header, and this copyright paragraph. Furthermore, it must be passed on without any cost whatsoever to those who receive it. The act of forwarding or sharing this teaching in any way constitutes agreement by the party forwarding it that he agrees to the terms and conditions of this paragraph.


Yummy Raw Granola Bar!

So I got this recipe from a friend and I have no idea where SHE got it from! So I'm just gonna say the author is my friend, Juanita. Here it is!  Just made some this afternoon, Mmmmm.

In the food processor...
1 cup warmed dates (warmed in hot water)
1 cup almonds
1/2 cup raisins, sesame seeds, quinoa, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, oats, coconut. 
grind the above ingredients into a meal like texture, then tranfer to a big bowl.
If it is not sticky enough to form a ball, then add some honey and/or peanut butter until it is mixed well and will form a ball.  Each ball should be about 32 grams. I actually use a scale so I don't get carried away with monster

You can substitute the raisins with cranberries and I'm sure many other things.  I didn't drain my dates very well this time so I didn't need to add any honey, just 1 Tbsp of peanut butter in order to make balls.  After making into balls I like to elongate them so they are more like granola bars.  this time I popped them in the dehydrator at 105 F and will check on them in an hour.  Just to help set them and so they don't stick as much.

I'll be enjoying this snack tomorrow for breakfast!



Well, it's high time I updated my blog!

I will start by saying, I've been questioning a lot of things lately....mostly I've been struggling with the validity of the before anyone freaks out, just listen to what my struggle was, and what I came up with, there's tons of room for comments at the end and I WOULD love to hear them if you have any!

We know that Yahweh told us not to add or take away from the Scriptures, right?  Deut. 4:2 "2Ye shall not add unto the
word which I command you, neither shall ye diminish aught from it, that
ye may keep the commandments of the LORD your God which I command you." and again in Deut. 12:32 "32What thing soever I command you, observe to do it. Thou shalt not add thereto nor diminish from it."

So this began my troubled state...what then do we make of Paul's letters? that today's churches seem to preach from yet forsake Torah.  I had been stressed hugely this fall about this.  I KNOW that today's churches are NOT where I want to be, nor do I find them (generally) to be a holy place to worship Yahweh.

It seems to me that today's churches abuse Yah's grace way too much, otherwise we would see them still studying Torah.

It seems the church is trying to fit in with the world so that those who "visit" are comfortable there and come back...sheesh.  Talk about salt that's lost its savor!  If the Rauch HaKodesh can not draw people back then perhaps something is wrong with the church!  Are we not supposed to be a set apart people? a peculiar people is what Scriptures say! (Deut 14:2) That doesn't sound to me like we're supposed to "blend in" or make the world "comfortable".  Oy, the enemy seems to have deceived many....the narrow way is not that narrow anymore if you look at today's churches...and yet, it truly is just as narrow as it's ever been, and it makes me nervous for all those involved in today's churches. (I'm being very general when I say 'churches' please remember that)  I think about the church we left 2 yrs ago and how their goal was to be "fun and relevant in today's world"....the worship service was less about worshiping God and more about, "do I look and sound good to everyone?" and then there are the small groups that you sign up for, but if you're not "cool" enough no one phones you to join any of them (I'm not even kidding).  Oh and I forgot to mention the introduction of the pastor being more like a Jay Leno show! sigh...I forgot to mention the clothing issue...or the lack thereof...should I really have to cover my son's eyes during the worship service because the lady in front of him is wearing thong underwear and low rise jeans...oh dear, I'm getting way off track, where was I, oh yeah, we need to be the salt of the earth. Yahweh called His children a peculiar people, set-apart, in the world but not of the world.

Ok so back to adding to the Scriptures...

So everything after the Torah (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy) was added.  That doesn't mean that those other books are not important! Just that we need to weigh them against the Torah...just like any non-fiction book out there.  Here is what my friend Sombra wrote on facebook recently, in answer to the question, why would she read the apocrypha.

Why are the Apocrypha writings any different from
the BritChadasha(new testament) writings?? Who made the decision which books are for
the Canon and which are not? - and do I trust the theology of those
men???? I STUDY Torah... that is my teaching book.....
but I do read from other writings, like the book the Heart of David by
Dr. Hazim.. so why wouldn't I read a book written about what happened to
Judah Maccabee and how God used him to restore Torah to the Jews? Have
I read the other books of the Apocrypha? um, yes, some.. but can't
recall anything at the moment, and there's also the book of Enoch and
the book of Jasher and the Book of Adam.. but STUDY? I Study Torah..
and everything else is measured against Torah.

She just said it so perfectly well, I had to share it...and now I'm off to find a Catholic Bible with the Apocrypha!  Not to study mind you, but to read and perhaps learn more history of that time period! And I've never read the story of the Maccabees and Hanukkah IS in 30 days!!!

More wisdom from Sombra

it says it LAST in Revelation... the question is.. what is THE WORD
that is not to be added to?? If we're not to add to the BIBLE, NOR TAKE
AWAY from it, then how dare we write any new commentaries, or
discussions, or how we walked it ...out..
because that's what the New Testament is.. and if we're not to take
away from it, how dare we say that words from the Torah are no longer

so is the WORD of God, the 66 books of the Bible? Is the
Word of God the 66 books and 15 books of the Apocrapha? Is the Word of
God everything that happens in our lives? or is the Word of God the
Torah? I think you could make an argument for each of those, but when
it comes to adding or taking away, I think the only definition that fits
is the Torah.


Well for our homeschool support group today we are to share a talent...I was busy freaking out about this because I couldn't figure out what my talents I might have! Check out the talent I'm going to share!
Yes I DO think this is a talent and a skill that is getting lost in today's society of convenient foods....


Homemade Laundry Soap!

Well, we'll see how it works!  I tried my hand at making dish soap last week and was not impressed with it at all...sigh...but I have bigger hopes for the laundry soap! 
I used up a couple bars of soap I had kicking around the house...unfortunately they're the laundry soap is scented as well...I hope it doesn't aggravate everyone's eczema! Once that got grated and melted down on the stove in just enough water to cover it, then it got dumped into a 5 gallon bucket and 4 gallons of very hot water got thrown in it as well!  After stirring it up and making sure it was mixed well, I added 4 cups of borax and 4 cups of washing soda, and then stirred lots more until it was all dissolved.  the lid is now on the bucket, waiting for Jamie to take it to the basement!  Note to self...find scent free soap...the house stinks to high heavens right now and I really am not keen on heavy smells!!!
Next time, I'll make it with tea tree oil soap and just add a few drops of tea tree oil to my diaper loads.
And I guess, I'll be doing laundry today and tomorrow!  No more excuses! lol


Feels like Fall...

and with that comes lots of work to be done!  Today, I am making 4 loaves of bread and buns, enjoying the smell of the crab apples boiling on the stove to later make into jelly, applesauce and no doubt there's even enough to make some juice too!  My house is in varying states of cleanliness, but I do want to tackle my bathroom today as I haven't unpacked it or done a good thorough clean in there yet....the ensuite tends to be the last place I go or think to clean!
Silas asked to start school today, so we will get started in the basics tomorrow.  Am looking forward to that as well!  And of course wanting to just get the house really good and clean this week for the upcoming Fall Feasts!  They will be here so quickly!  The only thing that is putting a damper in my week right now, is the realtor is showing the place tomorrow as well...sigh.  This disturbs me.  I'm not sure if we should look at our options for buying it or not....I'm thinking not.....with the way the world is going right now.  But who knows.  I'm excitedly planning my garden for next year!  Wondering if we should do a greenhouse
Mmmm, I love the smells of Fall!!


It's the 6th month...otherwise known as Elul.

First of do you even say it?!  Eeelul?  Eloool?  sigh...Good thing we are going to start learning Hebrew this year...

Soooo what's so great about THIS month?  Well, it's the last month of the Jewish month we start over in our Torah portions, back at the very beginning of the Bible.  The 6th month is a month of looking back over the year and making wrongs right, and extending forgiveness to those who have hurt us, whether it was intentional or not.  What a perfectly good way to start the new year, eh?  Starting with a clean slate...starting at B'resheet, the beginning.  This is the first year we have observed the Feasts of Yahweh.  And so far, I have not remembered to blow my shofar every morning when I wake up this month.  It's something I'd like to remember, simply so that I'm reminded to think about the past years and people that I've hurt.  It's kind of like wearing tzitzits...just to remind us of how Yahweh has commanded us to live.  Because I love Him, I want with all my heart to obey Him and I'm overwhelmed sometimes at the grace He extends as I seek Him and learn how He wants me to live and honor Him...I often feel like a little toddler learning to walk...very unsteady and lacking balance at times, and then sometimes being able to run wildly until I hit a wall...sigh.

What have you been up to this month in preparation of the Feast of Trumpets?

Time to think about school again...already!!?

Yup...what a weird year!  this summer has been blissfully cool to me and while I enjoy the coolness of Aug. (that seems very odd to write as Aug. is usually our HOT month!) I am starting to feel the cooling of the air and feel a long Autumn coming upon us.  This is my favorite season of all...the crunch of the leaves, the smells of dried out plants/trees.  I feel very content during the Fall season.  I think too it is because we are more structured once we start up bookwork again.  We actually have a schedule and it's not just "do what you want" 

And so,  I've been having fun the last couple of weeks and buying our curriculum for the is what it looks like so far!

We will be doing Teaching Textbooks 4 for math this year.
For language arts we are sticking with School of Tomorrow using their English and Word Building paces.
For the rest of learning this year we will be using the Prairie Primer and reading through The Little House on the Prairie series and learning all about homesteading and how to do things without all the modern conveniences!  I think I will have fun with this one!

We will also be learning Hebrew this year as well. Using this program, Silas and I will be learning to read Hebrew together and Shyla will join us as we learn to speak Hebrew.  I love how the language music...sigh...

AND because we are in a small town we won't be doing Awana this year, but I found this awesome program that will take it's place, it's called the Keeper's Club.  Which will also tie in very nicely with the Prairie Primer because it encourages learning skills like archery and knot tying instead of just being entertained with games! lol  It also encourages lots of Bible memory as well.  I'm all for that!

I *think* that's all I have lined up for the year...oh yeah, Silas will also be doing handbells and PE class this year!  Not to mention all the field trips!  But I don't know what those field trips are  I'll blog about them as they happen! lol

That's about it for now...I'm not thinking about schooly school again until it's time to start planning our weeks...and so until after the long weekend, I will simply wait for all my curriculum to show up and then we have fun!!!


Moved and Settling....

Wow, we're all moved into our new place and trying to sort through and unpack the boxes....which is going rather slow because my little independent one yr old is acting out a bit by going from one room to the next being a whirlwind tornado leaving a disaster in a matter of seconds!  Seriously, I now understand why there are "mommy's helpers" for hire!!! 

The move went well, we hired movers, but they could only take about 3/4 of our stuff...sigh.  We do a better job packing a truck full, but then we're not as careful as they were and pack it pretty tight.  So the move ended up dragging from Sunday all through Friday....Friday being the day we did the walk thru and left the keys on the Stove and forgot our expensive milk in the fridge...sigh.

 Friday is also the day that while I was sweeping out the garage, Jamie and the kids made a final dump run before loading up the last tiny bit of outdoor things to be moved.  While at the dump, Jamie lost his footing and fell out of the back of the truck and landed on his head and right shoulder.  He tore a ligament in his shoulder and broke his left thumb!  So his right arm is supposed to be in a cast and his left thumb, wrist and forearm are in a cast with pins holding his thumb together...right now he's in tons of pain and is hopped up on Tylenol 3's with caffeine and codeine...oy....and yet extra strength ibuprofen works better for him.

Today is a somewhat "normal" day.  We are trying to find a routine even though we are still in unpacking mode.  The kids and I need some semblance of normal.  A schedule of some sort so we know what is happening with our day, this will eliminate a lot of meltdowns and unmet expectations.

That's the update for today.  Check out my other blog for an update on my thoughts about birthdays!

02/08/2010 do or not to do?

So I've been thinking lots and lots about birthdays this year...wondering about the history of them.  I can't find any positive mention of them in Scripture...just a few very negative mentions of birthdays where those in leadership had people killed in honor of their birthdays ....  check out this link about birthdays and tell me what you think?  I don't think we'll be going nuts on birthdays anymore, but we will still certainly honor the birthday person on their day....just not with gifts or cake and candles!!


Takin' a Break.

Yup, takin' a break from blogging for at least a month. Maybe two! lol  Am going to concentrate on purging and packing my house up and moving to the country.  I'm excited to get out of the country!  And Starbucks will still only be 5 minutes away! hee hee

You can read a better update on my other blog

Enjoy your summer! Shalom!

Purging and Packing.

Just thought I would take a moment and update my blog since I've been rather occupied lately.  I can not believe how freeing it is to get rid of "stuff" seriously freeing!  I feel like I have time in the evenings to actually enjoy myself and start a hobby!  That is seriously a bizarre feeling as I've felt for so long (years) that I'm always behind in housework (mostly laundry)!  But now I feel like I'm more free to even THINK about fun things to do!  What a change that happens in your demeanor! I smile more.  I feel more spontaneous because I don't have a long list of things to do at home.  I have less stress and worries!  All this simply because I got rid of all our extra clothes and I purged my library!  WOW, that's a trade I'd make any day!
Oh, and we are also purging our tv/vcr/dvd player along with our tv stand,  game cube and playstation and all associated games of course.  So if anyone is interested and in the area, here's the Kijiji listing! Why are we being so extreme?  Well, this is one more thing that distracts us from relationships with each other as well as with our God, Yahweh.  He is a jealous God you know...He doesn't want to share us, He wants our full attention so that He can speak to us.  We want Him to speak, we are ready to listen.  And as a family we decided that this is one thing that needs to go.  We will keep the computer for now as we feel we still need it for homeschooling, networking etc.  but who knows! Maybe that will be the next to go!

Another thing I've been doing is making a list of people who I have had negative feelings towards...and making things right.  I haven't gotten to everybody, but am slowly working down the list and asking forgiveness of those I have wronged in my bad attitude, or simply forgiving and letting go of the people who hurt me unknowingly.  And even if those I've wronged do not respond in any way to me, I'm ok with that, because I've done my part and I'm right again with my God.  We can only be forgiven as much as we forgive others!  It says so right in The Lord's Prayer! I need much forgiveness so I had better keep a short account with others!  I can't wait to finish getting through my list!  I really didn't realize how bitter I had become over the years...I mean I knew it was happening, but didn't realize how much that bitter spirit shone out of me.  That sucks.  I'm so glad I serve a gracious God!  Like seriously relieved! 

Anyhow, that's what's going on in the heart of Lori-Dawn this summer!  Can't guarantee that I'll post again for awhile, so enjoy your summer and your families!


Happy Canada Day!!

So today is Canada's 143 birthday!  I'm sadly not that patriotic when it comes to Canada Day...the crowds freak me out and I'm constantly worrying that a child is going to get lost in it!  Especially if I took them out by myself!  So instead we sang O Canada, said the pledges and read books about Canada, mapping out where the first Europeans came from and where they landed etc.
Here's some cool things I didn't know or had forgotten, taken from The Kids Book of Canadian First by Valerie Wyatt.  These are things that were the first in the world done by a Canadian.

Rick Hanson was the first in the world to wheelchair around the world!  34 countries, 792 days and 117 tires later, wheelchair athlete Rick Hansen finished his marathon.  He had travelled a distance equivalent to once around the world.  His inspiration: Terry Fox.  His cause: raising funds for spinal cord research.  When his marathon was over in 1987, Hansen had raised $20 million!

Canadian's natives were the first to build canoes.
In 1932 it was John Patch of Yarmouth, Nova Scotia who designed a propeller like the ones on boats today.  They were all powered by sails or paddlewheels before he came along!  Called teh screw propeller, it rotated rapidly underwater, powering teh boat forward.  Sadly, Patch was tricked out of patenting his invention, which revolutionized sea travel, and he died penniless.

When the Canadian-build Royal William traveled between Quebec City and London, England, in 1833, it became the first steamship to cross the Atlantic.  in an era when ships traveled at the whim of the winds, being able to get to places under your own power was an important first.  It led to scheduled trips that passengers and shippers could depend on.

First automatic steam foghorn!  This first was a lifesaver for sailors.  it replaced bells rung by lighthouse keepers to warn fogbound ships they were too near to land.  Invented by Robert Foulis in Saint John, New Brunswick, in 1860, the foghorn sent blasts of steam out through a whistle at regular intervals.  At last, warning bells were loud, clear and automatic.

The wooden RCMP schooner St. Roch had several firsts to its name.  It was first to sail from west to east through Canada's Northwest Passage, in 1942.  To make this trip, it left Vancouver in 1940 and spent two winters trapped in Arctic ice.  It was later the first ship to make the trip both ways.  Then in 1950, the St. Roch became the first ship to circumnavigate North America.

First toboggans.
Simple to make, great for carrying things and fun to use--that's the toboggan.  First invented by the Native people of the north, the earliest toboggans were made of thin boards of larch or birch.  To get the turned-up "nose", the wood was bent while still green and tied in place until it dried.  Dogs or humans provided the pulling power.

Early train passengers slept on wooden benches or stiff seats until 1857, when Samuel Sharp, a master mechanic in Hamilton, Ontario, invented a sleeping car equipped with comfy berths and privacy curtains.  American inventor George Pullman often gets the credit for the first sleeping car--we even call sleeping cars "Pullmans." But they should be called "Sharps".

Snow often bogged down early train travel.  But, in 1869, Toronto dentist J.W. Elliot solved that problem by inventing the Compound Revolving Snow Shovel.  Equipped with rotating blades that blew snow away, a bit like today's snow blowers, it's the granddaddy of today's track clearers.

Dogs barked adn horses shied as 15 yr old Armand Bombardier and his brother, Leopold, drove their homemade snow machine through the town of Valcourt, Quebec, in 1922.  Fifteen years later, in 1937, Armand built a snowmobile more like the ones we know today.

Teh automatic oiler, patented in 1872, revolutionized train travel.  For teh first time, trains could be oiled while in motion, instead of having to stop every few hours.  The inventor, Canadian-born Elijah McCoy, went on to add oilers to other equipment.  Buyers who wanted to be sure a machine had one of these automatic oilers asked for "the real McCoy".

Hydrogen fuel cells have powered spacecraft into space, but it took a Canadian company to turn an idea from space into a reality on Earth.  What's a hydrogen fuel cell?  It's a battery-like power source that can run on a wide range of fuels, not just gas or diesel fuel.  better still, its only emission is water vapour.  In 1993, Ballard Power Systems of Burnaby, British Columbia, unveiled the world's first bus powered by zero-emission hydrogen fuel cells.

I could go on...but I would rather just recommend the book! 
The Kids Book of Canadian Firsts by Valerie Wyatt.

How did you celebrate Canada Day??


Feelin' Productive!

What an awesome day!  Even though we all slept in til 9am, I enjoyed such a good day! by noon, I had my Bible reading done, bread rising, 2 loads of laundry done, kitchen nice and clean and picked something up from freecycle!

It is now 4 pm, bread is in the oven, a huge garbage bag of toys is purged along with another garbage bag of clothes. The kids are happy, I am happy...what more can you possibly want??!!  Well, other than winning the lottery, but you have to actually buy lottery tickets to

 I was nervous this morning though and wondered what my day was going to be like...Malachi right from getting out of bed was literally running from one bad thing to the next, looking at me with a question in his eyes..."are you paying attention to me mom?"  yes...I was nervous indeed!  He's been a good little guy though with his new toys from freecycle! Yes this is why I purged a huge garbage bag of to make room for more...but I DID get rid of more than I brought home! Yay me! lol

Off to make supper and brave the park later on!


A short and sweet explanation of things!

is the groom. Israel was the bride. They were married at Mount
Sinai. Did he throw away his bride and replace her with another? Or
did he remarry his bride? He REMARRIED his bride. I praise YHWH that I
am Israel! Through faith I am joined to his family and become his
bride. Who was the law given too? ISRAEL.. his bride.


Who's in Your Home?

This was on a blogger friends blog, she had read it in a newspaper

and it was submitted anonymously.

A few months before I was born

my Dad met a stranger who was

to our small town.

From the beginning, Dad was

fascinated with
this enchanting

new comer and soon invited him

to live with our

The stranger was quickly accepted and was

around to
welcome me into the world a few months later.

As I grew up , I
never questioned his place in my family.

In my mind he had a special

My parents were complementary instructors: Mom taught me

word of God, and dad taught me to obey it.

But the stranger? He
was our story teller.

He would keep us spell bound for hours on end

adventures, mysteries and comedies.

If I wanted to know anything
about politics,

history or science, he always knew the answers about

past,understood the present, and even seemed to be able

to predict
the future!

He took my family to the first major league ball

He made me laugh, and he made me cry.

The stranger never
stopped talking, but my Dad didn't seem to mind.

Sometimes Mom
would get up quietly while the rest of us

were shushing each other to
listen to what he had to say,

and she would go to her room and read
her books.

( I wonder now if she ever prayed for the stranger to

Dad ruled our house hold with certain moral convictions,

this stranger never felt obligated to honor them.

Profanity, for example, was not allowed in our home...

not from us, our friends, or
any visitors. Our long time visitor,

however, got away with four
letter words that burned my ears,

and made my dad squirm and my mom

My Dad was a teetotaler who didn't permit alcohol

in the
home, not even for cooking. But the stranger

encouraged us to try it
on regular basis.

He made cigarettes look cool, cigars manly and
pipes distinguished.

He talked freely ( much to freely) about

His comments were sometimes blatant,

sometimes suggestive,and generally embarrassing.

I know my early concepts about relationships
were influenced

strongly by the stranger. Time after time, he
apposed the values

of my parents, yet he was seldom rebuked..... and
never asked to leave.

More than fifty years have passed since the

moved in with our family. He has blended right in

and is
not as fascinating as he was at first.

Still, if you were to
walk into my parents den today

you would still find him sitting over
in his comer,

waiting for someone to listen to him talk and watch him
draw his pictures.

His name? We just call him T.V.

(I'm happy to say that when we move next month, TV will not be coming with us!)


Aaronic Blessing

Babys Prayer

Oh how I wish I could mother one of these babes!  I would open my home to anyone considering abortion and try to nurture their spirit and fill them with Yahweh's love.  And if by the end of their pregnancy they still don't want their baby, at least baby will have a loving home already!

What I Believe. I am still human tho, and still mess up. But this is my statement of faith.

I desire to encouraging the believers of Yahshua (Jesus) to show their love for Yahshua by being a light to the world by living the blessed Torah obedient life.

I believe that Yahshua the Messiah is the only begotten Son of the Father, conceived of the Holy Spirit, and born of the virgin Mary. That Yahshua was crucified, buried and raised from the dead, ascended to Heaven and is today at the right hand of the Father as the intercessor and will again return as the Reigning King.

I believe that salvation is by grace through faith in Yahshua HaMashiach of Nazareth alone and that no one is justified before YHWH by keeping the Torah.

I believe that receiving YHWH blessings comes through obeying the Commandments given on Mount Sinai to Moshe.

Deu 11:26 ‘See, I am setting before you today a blessing and a curse:
Deu 11:27 the blessing, when you obey the commands of יהוה your Elohim which I command you today;
Deu 11:28 and the curse, if you do not obey the commands of יהוה your Elohim, but turn aside from the way which I command you today, to go after other mighty ones which you have not known.

I believe that neither fear of hell nor hope of salvation is the motivation for keeping the Torah but love for YHWH alone is the reason we keep the Torah.

I believe that all have sinned and come short of the esteem of YHWH and that repentance is commanded of G-d for all and necessary for the forgiveness of sin.

I believe that all gifts of the Spirit are vital to the body of Messiah and should compliment the fruit of the Spirit evident in the life of the believer.

I believe in G-d the Father (YHWH), the Son (Yahshua), and the Holy Spirit (Ruach HaKodesh) the creator, redeemer, sanctifier and sustainer of heaven and earth are One (Echad).

I believe in water baptism by immersion (Mikvah) and all who repent should be baptized in the name of Yahshua HaMashiach. Acts 2:38

I believe that there is only one true Elohim, the Elohim of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

I believe in keeping the feasts of YHWH. Lev, 23:1-44

We believe that the sign of the renewed covenant between YHWH and His people is the Shabbat. Keeping Shabbat shows our love for the Mashiach. Exodus 31:16, Isa. 56:6, Luke 6:5

I believe that Torah, YHWH's teaching and instruction, reveals the heart of YHWH and therefore is the expressed image of YHWH. Keeping the Torah is freedom from legalism and dogma of man.

I believe that Yahshua is the manifested Word of YHWH. Obeying Torah is the same as obeying Yahshua. Gen. 1:1, John 1:1

I believe that YHWH gave the Torah in written form through Moses to the Children of Israel, as recorded in the scriptures.

I believe in the restoration of the two Houses of Israel and the prophetic teachings about it. Jer. 31:31, Ezek. 37:15-22

I believe that Yahshua HaMashiach came not to destroy the Torah but to give it full meaning and substance. Matt. 5:17

I believe YHWH wants us to turn from a Torah-less lifestyle to a Torah obedient lifestyle and become His holy, precious & peculiar treasure.
I set before you Life & Death....choose Life! Deut. 30:15, 1 John 2:3-6

Deu 30:15 “See, I have set before you today life and good, and death and evil,
Deu 30:16 in that I am commanding you today to love יהוה your Elohim, to walk in His ways, and to guard His commands, and His laws, and His right-rulings. And you shall live and increase, and יהוה your Elohim shall bless you in the land which you go to possess.

1Jn 2:3 And by this we know that we know Him, if we guard His commands.
1Jn 2:4 The one who says, “I know Him,” and does not guard His commands, is a liar, and the truth is not in him.
1Jn 2:5 But whoever guards His Word, truly the love of Elohim has been perfected1 in him. By this we know that we are in Him.

I keep all eight Moadim (Festivals of G-d) which are commanded to be obeyed. (am in the process of this)

One is repeated weekly, called Sabbath while the other seven are annual.

1. Pesach (Passover), which commemorates the final judgment upon Egypt and the beginning of our freedom from slavery. As New Covenant believers, we also see our Messiah Yahshua as the fulfillment by being the Passover Lamb, passing us from death to eternal life.

2. Hag Ha Matzot (Unleavened bread) is, in conjunction with and following Passover, a seven-day Moadim, when we do not eat leavened bread, only unleavened bread. Leavening is a symbol for malice and wickedness. We are to remove leavening from our lives.

3. Bikkurim (Feast of First Fruits) . It commemorates the resurrection of life from the ground (both seeds that are planted, and The Messiah Yahshua). Yahshua was the first fruit of many brethren.

4. Shavuot (Feast of Weeks) is the day following seventh weekly Sabbaths from the Feast of First Fruits, and on this day we observe Shavuot (commonly called Pentecost).

5. Yom Teruah (Rosh Hashanah) (Feast of Trumpets - also called Yom Teruah) is in late summer. This is the day we blow shofars (trumpets). This is the Jewish New Years.

6. Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement) falls ten Days after Yom Teruah (Rosh Hashanah). This is a day of fasting and humbling prayer.

7. Sukkot (Feast of Tabernacles) is an eight-day Moadim. This final festival concludes the annual teaching cycle of the Torah and is observed by dwelling in temporary booths (such as tents or light campers) Yahshua was born during this festival.

We also observe two other festivals that are not commanded, The first was celebrated by Yahshua our Messiah and recorded in the Brit Chadashah (New Testament). Next we remember the salvation of the Jews by Queen Hadassah (Esther).
1. Chanukah (Feast of Dedication)
2. Purim (Feast of Lots)


Combating woman's invention!

South African doctor invents female condoms with 'teeth' to fight rape

By Faith Karimi, CNN
June 21, 2010 6:15 a.m. EDT
Dr. Sonnet Ehlers shows a spiked female condom, whose hooks she says stick on a man during rape.
Dr. Sonnet Ehlers shows a spiked female condom, whose hooks she says stick on a man during rape.
  • Doctor distributes anti-rape female condom during World Cup
  • Jagged rows of teeth-like hooks attach on man's penis
  • Device can only be removed by a doctor
  • "It hurts, he cannot pee and walk when it's on," doctor says
(CNN) -- South African Dr. Sonnet Ehlers was on call one night four decades ago when a devastated rape victim walked in. Her eyes were lifeless; she was like a breathing corpse.
"She looked at me and said, 'If only I had teeth down there,'" recalled Ehlers, who was a 20-year-old medical researcher at the time. "I promised her I'd do something to help people like her one day."
Forty years later, Rape-aXe was born.
Ehlers is distributing the female condoms in the various South African cities where the World Cup soccer games are taking place.
The woman inserts the latex condom like a tampon. Jagged rows of teeth-like hooks line its inside and attach on a man's penis during penetration, Ehlers said.
Once it lodges, only a doctor can remove it -- a procedure Ehlers hopes will be done with authorities on standby to make an arrest.
"It hurts, he cannot pee and walk when it's on," she said. "If he tries to remove it, it will clasp even tighter... however, it doesn't break the skin, and there's no danger of fluid exposure."
Ehlers said she sold her house and car to launch the project, and she planned to distribute 30,000 free devices under supervision during the World Cup period.
"I consulted engineers, gynecologists and psychologists to help in the design and make sure it was safe," she said.
After the trial period, they'll be available for about $2 a piece. She hopes the women will report back to her.
It hurts, he cannot pee and walk when it's on. If he tries to remove it, it will clasp even tighter
--Dr Sonnet Ehlers
"The ideal situation would be for a woman to wear this when she's going out on some kind of blind date ... or to an area she's not comfortable with," she said.
The mother of two daughters said she visited prisons and talked to convicted rapists to find out whether such a device would have made them rethink their actions.
Some said it would have, Ehlers said.
Critics say the female condom is not a long-term solution and makes women vulnerable to more violence from men trapped by the device.
It's also a form of "enslavement," said Victoria Kajja, a fellow for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the east African country of Uganda. "The fears surrounding the victim, the act of wearing the condom in anticipation of being assaulted all represent enslavement that no woman should be subjected to."
Kajja said the device constantly reminds women of their vulnerability.
"It not only presents the victim with a false sense of security, but psychological trauma," she added. "It also does not help with the psychological problems that manifest after assaults."
However, its one advantage is it allows justice to be served, she said.
Various rights organizations that work in South Africa declined to comment, including Human Rights Watch and Care International.
South Africa has one of the highest rape rates in the world, Human Rights Watch says on its website. A 2009 report by the nation's Medical Research Council found that 28 percent of men surveyed had raped a woman or girl, with one in 20 saying they had raped in the past year, according to Human Rights Watch.
In most African countries, rape convictions are not common. Affected women don't get immediate access to medical care, and DNA tests to provide evidence are unaffordable.
"Women and girls who experience these violations are denied justice, factors that contribute to the normalization of rape and violence in South African society," Human Rights Watch says.
Women take drastic measures to prevent rape in South Africa, Ehlers said, with some wearing extra tight biker shorts and others inserting razor blades wrapped in sponges in their private parts.
Critics have accused her of developing a medieval device to fight rape.
"Yes, my device may be a medieval, but it's for a medieval deed that has been around for decades," she said. "I believe something's got to be done ... and this will make some men rethink before they assault a woman."