

It's the 6th month...otherwise known as Elul.

First of do you even say it?!  Eeelul?  Eloool?  sigh...Good thing we are going to start learning Hebrew this year...

Soooo what's so great about THIS month?  Well, it's the last month of the Jewish month we start over in our Torah portions, back at the very beginning of the Bible.  The 6th month is a month of looking back over the year and making wrongs right, and extending forgiveness to those who have hurt us, whether it was intentional or not.  What a perfectly good way to start the new year, eh?  Starting with a clean slate...starting at B'resheet, the beginning.  This is the first year we have observed the Feasts of Yahweh.  And so far, I have not remembered to blow my shofar every morning when I wake up this month.  It's something I'd like to remember, simply so that I'm reminded to think about the past years and people that I've hurt.  It's kind of like wearing tzitzits...just to remind us of how Yahweh has commanded us to live.  Because I love Him, I want with all my heart to obey Him and I'm overwhelmed sometimes at the grace He extends as I seek Him and learn how He wants me to live and honor Him...I often feel like a little toddler learning to walk...very unsteady and lacking balance at times, and then sometimes being able to run wildly until I hit a wall...sigh.

What have you been up to this month in preparation of the Feast of Trumpets?

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