

Some ramblings and a heavy heart....

So many thoughts rambling through this ole head of mine lately...which is almost too much to bear right now as I manage the house on my own with Jamie in Yellowknife for a month...we're only on day 6.  The kids all got nasty colds the day Jamie left, then I found out that Shyla and I have now that I'm behind in housework due to cuddling littles with snotty noses and spending hours picking through Shyla's hair and "trying" to pick through brain won't shut off long enough for me to try to focus on any one thing constructive.

It would be nice to be magic every once and awhile...however, I CAN at least think while doing housework, I just might forget what I'm doing though and start a whole bunch of jobs and not finish anything! sigh...
I'm going a little crazy without my man too right now...he is SUCH a stress reliever...just being able to talk with him about different thoughts and how he's been having the same thoughts, but our thoughts come from different sources usually...mine from Scripture and his from Alex  well at least we're mostly on the same page! haha

I've been really frustrated lately with how blind I've been in the past and how my lack of Bible reading kept me blinded.  Yes, I used to be one of those Christians that just listened to the weekly portion of Scripture and then man's idea of what it all means, and to be quite honest, people can totally misinterpret the Bible so easily just by reading it from a Greek mindset instead of a Hebrew mindset in which it was written!  It's astonishing how much more Paul's letters are making sense, when I read them from a Hebrew point of view and also taking into account the culture of that time as well!  Getting out from under man's doctrine has been the best thing I could have ever done.  I am forever grateful for being raised with the knowledge I DO have of the Bible...but sad that it's so steeped in tradition.

I respect this man as a true prophet.  He doesn't aim to please man but share what is on Yahweh's heart.  The music is annoying...but the message is awesome!


  1. Lori-Dawn~ I remember when my husband would leave for work in the military and be gone for weeks, months on end how the enemy would attack me. Our children would get sick and the last trip before he retired it was me that was SO sick! I am lifting you up sweet sister that YAH will give you peace, cover you and draw you close. He is our covering and protection! The enemy is working here as well trying to take our focus off of these important times that are up ahead! We need encouragement and to keep the faith as the attacks come!! Draw close to Abba and he will give you comfort and peace!!

  2. Thank you for your encouragement Stephanie! I'm thinking I need to take a little break from facebook and concentrate more on the kids and my relationship with Abba Father. Especially now when the first feasts of the year are upon us! I feel kinda lost as to how to keep them, as I really don't want to get lost in the Jewish traditions...but Scripture doesn't shed a whole lot of light on them...time to study study study!


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