


Isn't it interesting how during the election he said exactly what the nation wanted to hear in order to become president and now he is saying the exact opposite...and what is sad is that I'm not surprised...are you?

Makes me feel like the tribulation is much closer than not! May we all keep our hearts and eyes on the Lord and open to the leading of the Holy Spirit.


  1. This is a scary thing!!! Thanks for the posting.. will look into it further.. Blessings to you and your family LoriDawn.. I love keeping up with your blog!!
    Keep on keepin on girlie!!!
    take care..
    Auntie Pam

  2. It certainly is frightening to see this montage! He scares me in general but this is so bad. It makes me wonder why we elected a president who sings the praises of the very people we are at war with...

  3. I agree with you LoriDawn. I have felt the tribulation 'vibes' from Obama as well. It really creeps me out.

  4. In our book club and we are nearly done reading 'Muslims, Christians, Jews and Jesus' by Carl Medearis. Excellent and well worth reading. It gives a interesting perspective.


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