Lots of learning as well as unlearning. We've been shocked as the Truth is revealed more and more to us, simply by reading Scripture! Oh wow, how narrow Your path truly is, Father!! (Matt 7:13-14, Luke 13:24)
Matthew 7:13 CJB
"Go in through the narrow gate; for the gate that leads to destruction is wide and the road broad, and many travel it;"
Matthew 7:14 CJB
"but it is a narrow gate and a hard road that leads to life, and only a few find it."
Luke 13:24 CJB
He answered, "Struggle to get in through the narrow door, because -- I'm telling you! -- many will be demanding to get in and won't be able to,"
What is amazing though is how much we WANT to change and please our God and walk in that Narrow Path that leads to life! I am constantly in awe of how full of mercy and grace our Abba is as I stumble, learning His ways and how to obey Him through the reading of His Word.
I've been convicted this past year on how I've handled myself as I came to the knowledge of Torah and how there is just one set of rules for all who choose to serve the God of the Bible. And the conviction was that I was letting a spirit of pride enter my heart....I was judging Christians and their spiritual idolatry when it is not my business to judge them. I was once in their place and just because my understanding has changed, doesn't make me "more" of a Believer. This quote sums it up perfectly:
This goes for all of us....Proverbs 6:16 " There are six things ADONAI hates, seven which he detests: 17 a haughty look, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, 18 a heart that plots wicked schemes, feet swift in running to do evil, 19 a false witness who lies with every breath, and him who sows strife among brothers."Don't judge me because my sin doesn't look like your sin.
Notice in the verse above how He hates these sins? They are NOT listed in order of "badness" they are all equal. It is our own limited Greek mindset that thinks that some sins must be worse than other sins. Notice also that homosexuality isn't even listed here? It seems two bandwagons that Believers jump on, whether they are Christian or Jewish, and they are condemning same-sex marriages and abortion.
While I do NOT support either one of these issues AT ALL, I think perhaps our focus needs to shift a bit. Instead of condemning those who, in their pain live lives that are contrary to God's Word, perhaps we can love them instead and introduce them to the perfect love of YHVH, Who wants to heal them of their hurts and make them whole, spiritually as well as physically. Perhaps instead we can look at the little lies we tell and the secret sins in our hearts that fester and produce bad fruit in our own lives, instead of being self-righteous, holier than thou snobs.
As we focus on ourselves and teach our children to be holy, YHVH will lead people into our lives that we can minister to. We don't even have to look for the hurting or needy, they are everywhere, and their hurts and needs will be different from ours, but He will equip us to help them, because HE is all powerful and all knowing. He has everything under control. I want to let Him use me, in spite of my shortcomings.