



This is a note for the those that are interested in or are already Torah Observant Believers.  Caution: It may be offensive to some viewers.

Rejection pretty much sucks.  Doesn't really matter who it comes from family, friends or even just someone on facebook it hurts.  I've dealt with rejection my whole life, even unintentional rejection, which interestingly enough still affects a person!  Not only have I dealt with it my whole life, it's also been passed down generationally!  Oh yes how fun is that! lol  I simply say this as fact.  Not to invoke a pity party or manipulate anyone's emotions, this is just simply stated as a fact.

So when someone has been rejected continually they begin to wonder what is wrong with themselves that others can not be kind to them or be their friend or just like them for who they are without trying to make them into something else.  And if you are dealing with these feelings your whole life without being validated, encouraged, told that you are indeed loveable, then this is what you believe about yourself. It's really not rocket science.  As children we believe what we hear, do we not?  And if we don't have anyone telling us what are lies and what are truths, then we get confused easily and just believe what is spoken to us the most.  And even if someone DOES try to tell us what the truth is and what have been lies, it's after the fact and as a kid you don't know who to believe because adults just say things to try to make us feel good, right?  Again, these are just facts about life, nothing more.

So now you have a screwed up human being, who has believed lies about herself for so long, she doesn't even know if she knows what love even is.  (I DO by the husband showed me yesterday during a huge long conversation that I DO in fact know what love is and how to show it and receive it, but I often get unloving feelings confused with rejection) She starts opening up as an adult in search of friends, but only faces rejection either right away or a year doesn't really matter when the rejection takes place in a friendship, but it's definitely easier in the beginning because you just realize that you didn't mesh well, for whatever reasons...and I guess this wouldn't even be classified as rejection because in the beginning stages of friendship, you're just finding out whether there's a deep connect there or not.  At any rate...rejection still sucks.  And it changes who you are.  You see yourself as crap, you let others walk all over you, you overextend yourself when you see a need because you just want acceptance.  It isn't a healthy place to be, because when you don't see yourself the way Yahweh your Creator does, and you don't respect His creation, this is sin.  It's perhaps hidden, and has somehow become acceptable, even in the Christian circles. "oh they just have low self esteem", it's not as simple as low self-esteem!  They are sinning against Yahweh when they scoff at His creation and see themselves as less than others!  I believe this is called self-rejection and can turn into self-hatred.  Having said all that I just want to mention a very good book by Patricia King called "Decree", it is FULL of Scriptures stating truths about who you are in Christ!  Something everyone struggling in the area of rejection should look into...she also has it on cd. Takes about an hour to read through or listen to.  I don't necessarily agree with everything she says or writes but this one book I completely agree with!

Did you know that in Psalm 103 it says that He forgives all thine iniquities: He heals all thy disease!  It is interesting to me that David links sin with does Moses in Deuteronomy!  Deuteronomy is filled with the Blessings and Curses!  We will be able to reap the Blessings but it IS conditional!  We must keep His Commands (and we can't pick and choose either, we are either for Yahweh or against Yahweh) in order to enjoy His blessings.  If we choose NOT to keep His commands then we can look forward to the curses which include all manner of disease.  So what am I getting at?  Here I was talking about rejection and now I'm talking about the relationship between sin and disease! lol

I'm a diabetic...have been since I was 12, and likely even before that...I was just diagnosed at 12yrs old.  Even in this disease the enemy has spoken continuous lies to me, Yahweh has rejected me and allowed me to have this disease, I must be good for nothing if He won't set me free from this. etc. etc.  I know these are lies simply because they are contrary to Scripture!  Remember Ps 103?!  He heals ALL thy disease!!!  But because of sin, personal and/or generational, I won't get healing until it's been dealt with.  I need to get myself right with my Creator if I want to be whole.  Quite frankly, I'd be quite happy to be whole mentally, emotionally and spiritually!  I want that freedom! And if I am healed physically in the process, what an awesome benefit to obeying Yahweh!  Perhaps this is why it's so important to be Doers of His Word and not Hearers only....
One thing I'm learning as I am undergoing a deep cleansing period in my life, is that I need to weigh what EVERYONE tells me against Scripture.  I need to put my trust in my Creator alone and NOT in human words, because they are after all human and prone to sin.  If I can just remember to put peoples words about me on the shelf until I can test them against Scripture, then I can save myself a whole lot of pain and agony.  It is time to "take captive every thought" on a VERY regular basis because I want only Holy Spirit speaking to me...not the enemy.  I WILL  have my healing.  Because it says so in the Bible.  I'm not a prosperity gospel or a name it and claim it kind of girl AT ALL...but I do know that when we obey Him, He will do what He said He will do and forgive our iniquities and heal our diseases!


No Longer on Facebook

Sooooo, I will likely post on here more often. haha
I was talking with my sister today, and our conversation got me thinking a lot.  Some of the things she said hurt, but they were truthful...I don't feel like I know what love really is.  I know how to act loving, and I *feel* loving many times throughout my days, but how can I love others if I don't love myself?  If the disease I have (diabetes) has the spiritual roots of self-rejection and self-hatred...then how on earth am I even capable of love?  I can't even love Yahweh, if this is how I feel about His own creation!!  If I can't give love, how can I accept love?  It is all so warped!  I'm slowly trying to figure this all out with my gracious Creator's help...I'm so glad He's full of mercy cause I'm not sure how long this will take!  But as I read A More Excellent Way I believe I'll enjoy the benefits of health as I work through my issues with God.
So anyhow, because of my love issue, I figure I have no place in the facebook world right now.  I can share all the truths I'm learning, but until Love is flowing through my words no one will see the Creator in me.  So I will hide beneath the shadow of His Wings and learn His Ways and work on sanctification, a never ending process for sure! lol  But I likely won't be back on Facebook...who knows really.
But I just thought I would explain why I'm no longer there.  I'm not satisfied with my relationship with my Creator, so instead of getting distracted online, I will instead spend time with Him and learn to hear His voice and DO what He tells me to do in His Word. 

Computer issues...sigh.

I'm having tons of issues trying to get pictures and videos on my blog...sigh, incompatible programs I this is why there have been no updates of the kids for a while.  I'm trying to figure it all out...but it's slow going.

But because of that, I'm on the computer less and reading more books...A More Excellent Way by Henry W. Wright, which talks about the spiritual roots of disease and how sanctification will cure them!  Let's clean our spiritual houses and reap the benefit of a healthy body! Woo Hoo!!

The more I read my Bible the more hungry I am for a pure heart...the more I read my Bible the more junk I see cluttering up my sinful heart...the more I read my Bible the more I understand God's grace...the more I read my Bible I change bit by bit and become a little less selfish every time a decision comes I serve myself or God?  And I like who I am becoming!  Perhaps this is the way to beat self-hatred (one of the spiritual roots of diabetes)!


The Fruit of the Spirit

Matthew 7:20-27
20Therefore, by their fruits ye shall know them.

 21"Not every one that saith unto Me, `Lord, Lord,' shall enter into the Kingdom of Heaven, but he that doeth the will of My Father who is in Heaven.
 22Many will say to Me in that Day, `Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Thy name, and in Thy name have cast out devils, and in Thy name done many wonderful works?'
 23And then will I profess unto them, `I never knew you: depart from Me, ye that work iniquity.'
 24"Therefore, whosoever heareth these sayings of Mine and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, who built his house upon a rock.
 25And the rain descended and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat upon that house; and it fell not, for it was founded upon a rock.
 26And every one that heareth these sayings of Mine and doeth them not, shall be likened unto a foolish man, who built his house upon the sand;
 27and the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell, and great was the fall of it.
 I think James 1:22-25 fits well with Yahshua's words here as well,
22But be ye doers of the Word and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves.
 23For if any be a hearer of the Word and not a doer, he is like unto a man beholding his natural face in a mirror;
 24for he beholdeth himself, and then goeth his way and straightway forgetteth what manner of man he was.
 25But whoso looketh into the perfect law of liberty and continueth therein, he being not a forgetful hearer but a doer of the work, this man shall be blessed in his deed.
 Galatians 5:16-26
16This I say then: Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh.
 17For the flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; and these are contrary the one to the other, so that ye cannot do the things that ye would.
 18But if ye are led by the Spirit, ye are not under the law.
 19Now the works of the flesh are manifest, and they are these: adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness,
 20idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, quarreling, rivalry, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies,
 21envying, murders, drunkenness, revelings, and such like. About these things I tell you again, as I have also told you in times past, that those who do such things shall not inherit the Kingdom of God.
 22But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith,
 23meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.
 24And those who are Christ's have crucified the flesh with its affections and lusts.
 25If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit.
 26Let us not be desirous of vainglory, provoking one another and envying one another.
I'm reading a little booklet called, From the Inside/Out  What is Manifesting? by Henry W. Wright.
It is a good book full of hard things to hear, but in a good way because it leaves you wanting to change and not just live life in the same ole rut you have been for the past decade!  It is encouraging and facilitates change!  It shows how to become an overcomer instead of being defeated.
You cannot be defeated if you are loving someone.  You cannot be defeated if you have faith.  You cannot be defeated if you have gentleness, goodness, and temperance.  You cannot be defeated, and the promise of God is that He will defend you because you have become like Him.
We are either manifesting the kingdom of God or the kingdom of Satan, we can not manifest both at the same time.  I KNOW that there are times, sometimes DAYS even that I manifest the kingdom of Satan!  And I feel horrible...which gives me a bit of hope because I think that there are two types of people, those who fall and are convicted about it and those who fall, but are not convicted because their hearts are hardened.  I pray I will always be the first type of person!

The Feasts and Sabbath, do you know what they are?

As I study the Tenach (Old Testament) as well as the Brit Chadashah (New Testament), I see very plainly how off track mankind has become in reference to the days we celebrate. And it grieves me when Christians get very defensive about their holidays, saying, "Well that's not what it means to me.." or "We are redeeming these days for the Lord"...
Let me just dive right in for a minute and ask a question.  Is it important to obey Yahweh and seek out how HE wants us to worship Him? or is it more important to follow what the church teaches regardless of what Scripture says? 
I Samuel 15:23 says, "For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry.  Because thou hast rejected the word of the LORD, he hath also rejected thee from being king."When you know to do the truth, but do not do it, you are in idolatry of yourself because you have set yourself and what you think as higher than the thoughts of the living God who has spoken.  When you overthrow and reject what God has said, after you have known the truth, then you are in self-idolatry.  When you know to do the truth, but do not do it, you have set yourself as a god against the true and living God.
When I found out that it DOES matter to Yahweh that we keep the Sabbath,  I started to make changes right away, and although I'm not perfect or keep the Sabbath perfectly.  I'm trying, and I'm taking one step at a time to worship Him the way He has asked me to in His Torah.  Once I read this point blank in God's Word, I could not turn my back on it and say, "Well, *I* worship Him on Sunday because it's more convenient for me and that's the way the church does it." I have yet to find any Scripture verse that hands the authority over to the church to change God's Word.  And I am responsible for my own personal obedience to Yahweh.  All by myself will I have to answer to Him on Judgment day for all the times I was a hearer and not a doer of His Word, James 1:22 "But be you doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves."  Yikes!  This keeps me in a constant state of repentance to be quite honest.  sigh.

The other thing I'd like to address, is that Yahweh didn't ask us to redeem pagan holidays either.  He asked us to avoid even learning about them!  Take Easter and Christmas, they are more wrapped up in paganism than they are in anything that has to do with Yahweh! For example, Christians have tried to relate the Easter egg to the trinity (which I have yet to find in the Holy Scriptures...), ummm, isn't this just taking the pagan holiday rituals and trying to worship Elohim in the same way? This is called an abomination!! 
Deut. 12:30-32
30take heed to thyself that thou be not snared by following them, after they are destroyed from before thee, and that thou inquire not after their gods, saying, `How did these nations serve their gods? Even so will I do likewise.'
 31Thou shalt not do so unto the LORD thy God, for every abomination to the LORD which He hateth have they done unto their gods; for even their sons and their daughters they have burned in the fire to their gods.
 32"What thing soever I command you, observe to do it. Thou shalt not add thereto nor diminish from it.
Yahweh, thankfully is full of grace and mercy, Grace being God's divine influence on the human heart and Mercy being the measure of time it takes to understand what Yahweh is teaching us.
He has been watching us pass these pagan traditions on down to our children for thousands of years long will He continue? When will we see the truth? When will His children search His Word and change their ways to mirror His? When will we realize that all those "laws" in the Torah are for our GOOD and not our DEMISE?!  John 14:21,
He that hath My commandments and keepeth them, he it is that loveth Me; and he that loveth Me shall be loved by My Father, and I will love him and will manifest Myself to him.
It can't get any better than that!!  Do I think we should keep His commandments with a grudge? NO!  We should only keep them if we are doing it because we love Him!  Keeping His commandments shows Yahweh that we love Him and want to worship Him the way He has told us to in Leviticus!  This should not be a hard thing to do, but something that causes us to have joy.

I want to challenge you to search the Scriptures for yourself and enjoy the Feasts of the Lord instead of the pagan holidays.  You will find that they are so fulfilling!  Set up your nativity scenes and celebrate the birth of Yahshua during the Feast of Tabernacles this year!