Lately, I just can't get childbirth out of my head...watching homebirths on Youtube make me long for my own baby to be ready to be born soon! Yes...I'm actually getting excited about this birth! Most women dread it, don't they? Yet something inside of me is getting excited to feel those belly hugs that you just KNOW are not braxton hicks contractions! To be able to tell Jamie that it's time to set up the birth pool! To go to blockbuster to rent a couple new movies for the kids to watch if they get bored with me in labor, if it's a daytime thing....Two months seems so far away and yet nice and close...this has been the easiest pregnancy I've had yet, so maybe that has something to do with all these positive feelings. I've gained between 20 and 25 lbs so far which is not that different from my other pregnancies, but I'm eating so much healthier too so perhaps that's what makes me feel better, and the lack of stress normally caused by health care professionals. Yes, we've done our own prenatal care, everything that would have been done in the clinic was done by me this time around...and I tell you, it's been worth it! I didn't realize how stressed out I got with all the dr's appointments and needless ultrasounds! And when I DID start questioning whether we were doing the right thing or not, Jamie and I BOTH were reassured by our Loving God that HE was in control and that YES, He has called us to this very different, very non-mainstream journey. And not in just our healthcare but in all areas of our lives! I mean, most Christians don't just up and stop going to church on, but it has been SO COOL how much Jamie and I have grown in our relationship with God since we left! We were no longer being spoonfed someone else's spiritual experiences, we had to start seeking God for ourselves and wow! It's been awesome!
Oh, and then there's the whole eating, after reading Skinny Bitch my wonderful husband has sworn off dairy and meat! Not that we consumed a lot of meat anyhow, but goodness...we went through the dairy! I'm talking 3-4 gallons of milk a week (that's just one man and 2 kids and the kids were very limited with milk!) and then a double brick of mozza cheese a week, you know the $24 ones at superstore!!! yikes! Oh yes and the 5 liters of yogurt a That's a heck of a lot of fat consumption!! Anyhow, we're drinking almond milk, soooo yummy and not nutty or full of hormones like soy milk. And our fruit and veggie intake has just soared! I'm to the point where I don't see the value of the flyers anymore because most of the stuff in there are things I wouldn't even buy anyhow! lol I go straight to the organic section when I grocery shop instead of down EVERY aisle! So it has been a nice time saver as well! We still spend about the same amount for groceries, since we don't buy the meat and dairy anymore but those are replaced by healthier food choices, and oddly enough, my potato chip cravings are gone!!! I grab celery and sugar snap peas and carrots if I need a crunchy snack! And my sugars have drastically improved! Let's just say Dec. was NOT a great month diabetes, but even though I'm in my 3rd trimester (since Jan 1st) when insulin resistance is at it's highest, my sugars have been at it's best since we've changed our eating habits...and that's not to say we NEVER have dairy or meat, good grief, we'll eat whatever is put in front of us! BUT at home we make different choices and we don't eat out anymore. So that's a big money saver too!! lol
All of this big post to say...I'm happy, content, and loving the life I live right now! My husband loves me, and has had most of the winter off, which has been WONDERFUL!!! My kids are a blessing and help to me while dad is gone for the week. I just feel so full, I could burst!
Thank you Lord!!! It's all because of YOU, my joy is in YOU, God...You're the one that has made my heart content (even though I don't get to move to a bigger house with a nice soaker tub), You have made me see my children as a blessing and a joy (even though they don't always listen and bedtime is a torturous 3 hour ordeal most nights), You have allowed my husband to spend time at home this winter and build family relationships(even though it threw our schedules off a lot)....I just feel like I've got it so good right now, that everyone should be jealous....LOL, now that's a pretty darn good feeling!
I was told to update my blog so here we go! lol
I should probably update something....just not sure what 'cause I feel like I'm still hanging in world is chaos right now. I don't know if I should be packing to move or what. We found another house we like, but have since found out it's not available anymore for Feb. 1st and because there are other people interested in it as well, we're not guaranteed to get it anyways. It IS listed as available for Feb 15th though and we still want to try to get's just so perfect, yet if we don't get it, we know there's something even better out there for what do we do? Just go month to month with our current landlords? They HAVE agreed to replace all the carpets, so are we to pack up all our stuff and move it into the garage so they can replace the carpets? Where will we stay while they do that? So many questions without any answers...and tonight after praying with some friends, I'm ok with not knowing. I don't have perfect peace yet, but as I press into my Father God, the peace will come. I want to read my book with Jamie tonight called, Praying the Names of God. I need Him to guide us, or simply reveal a part of Himself to us that enables us to dig Him out of the box we've put Him in and just be able to make a choice about where we are to move to. To stop putting limits on what He's capable of.
I love how God provides friends and mentors...people who can share part of their own lives and through the tears encourage us! I feel so unworthy. These people have poured into us and I just sit and receive and when they leave I feel so incredibly loved and blessed, yet part of me is wondering how on earth can I even begin to give back to them! God will have to show me special ways I can bless them!
So, are we moving in 2 wks? I haven't even got a clue...but I'm still packing....and trusting God.
Next week I'll be 8 months pregnant and I'd really rather pack as much as I can before then....we can live on bare essentials if need be.
On a cool positive note, Jamie is going to be working with his best friend doing some flooring work in Hinton all next week! I'm insanely jealous that I can't go with him...sigh, I love Hinton and would have loved visiting with some homeschoolers I know there!!! I may go as far as Edmonton and drop him off there and visit with some Edmonton friends on the weekend...we'll have to wait and see would be a pretty rushed trip since I have to be home on Monday for a playdate. Anyhow, so he has one week of work, and then in February he has 2 or 3 weeks of work up in Yellowknife! yikes! I'll go into husband withdrawal!!! lol I've enjoyed having him home all winter! lol, but finances dictate that this is a wise thing for him to do! lol
Things are going well pregnancywise! Baby is growing and is quite active, but still lots of room and I'm not uncomfortable yet. woo hoo! I've gained 22lbs so far and am feeling so good! So the weight gain is right on target, "they" suggest most pregnant women should gain between 25 and 35 lbs, so I'm doing well.
School is going great for Silas! He's reading nicely now and will even pick up a book every now and then and read to Shyla without me begging him to!!!! LOL
He still loves doing mazes, and although we've packed away most of the homeschool stuff for now, he still has a couple of fun workbooks to stretch his brain well as some fun games that get his brain thinking. I love games! It's like you're tricking your children into learning! hehe
I think it's time for me to be quiet now...oh I was also going to post my old blog address if anyone wants to check out my older blog posts....
So there you have it!
I should probably update something....just not sure what 'cause I feel like I'm still hanging in world is chaos right now. I don't know if I should be packing to move or what. We found another house we like, but have since found out it's not available anymore for Feb. 1st and because there are other people interested in it as well, we're not guaranteed to get it anyways. It IS listed as available for Feb 15th though and we still want to try to get's just so perfect, yet if we don't get it, we know there's something even better out there for what do we do? Just go month to month with our current landlords? They HAVE agreed to replace all the carpets, so are we to pack up all our stuff and move it into the garage so they can replace the carpets? Where will we stay while they do that? So many questions without any answers...and tonight after praying with some friends, I'm ok with not knowing. I don't have perfect peace yet, but as I press into my Father God, the peace will come. I want to read my book with Jamie tonight called, Praying the Names of God. I need Him to guide us, or simply reveal a part of Himself to us that enables us to dig Him out of the box we've put Him in and just be able to make a choice about where we are to move to. To stop putting limits on what He's capable of.
I love how God provides friends and mentors...people who can share part of their own lives and through the tears encourage us! I feel so unworthy. These people have poured into us and I just sit and receive and when they leave I feel so incredibly loved and blessed, yet part of me is wondering how on earth can I even begin to give back to them! God will have to show me special ways I can bless them!
So, are we moving in 2 wks? I haven't even got a clue...but I'm still packing....and trusting God.
Next week I'll be 8 months pregnant and I'd really rather pack as much as I can before then....we can live on bare essentials if need be.
On a cool positive note, Jamie is going to be working with his best friend doing some flooring work in Hinton all next week! I'm insanely jealous that I can't go with him...sigh, I love Hinton and would have loved visiting with some homeschoolers I know there!!! I may go as far as Edmonton and drop him off there and visit with some Edmonton friends on the weekend...we'll have to wait and see would be a pretty rushed trip since I have to be home on Monday for a playdate. Anyhow, so he has one week of work, and then in February he has 2 or 3 weeks of work up in Yellowknife! yikes! I'll go into husband withdrawal!!! lol I've enjoyed having him home all winter! lol, but finances dictate that this is a wise thing for him to do! lol
Things are going well pregnancywise! Baby is growing and is quite active, but still lots of room and I'm not uncomfortable yet. woo hoo! I've gained 22lbs so far and am feeling so good! So the weight gain is right on target, "they" suggest most pregnant women should gain between 25 and 35 lbs, so I'm doing well.
School is going great for Silas! He's reading nicely now and will even pick up a book every now and then and read to Shyla without me begging him to!!!! LOL
He still loves doing mazes, and although we've packed away most of the homeschool stuff for now, he still has a couple of fun workbooks to stretch his brain well as some fun games that get his brain thinking. I love games! It's like you're tricking your children into learning! hehe
I think it's time for me to be quiet now...oh I was also going to post my old blog address if anyone wants to check out my older blog posts....
So there you have it!
2008 in Retrospect....I've been tagged by Juanita
1. What would you like to have in 2009 that you lacked in 2008? a landlord that cares about his property!
2. What date from 2008 will remain etched upon your memory, and why? July long weekend, it was the first time we went camping as a family!
3. What was your biggest achievement of the year? Growing a baby
4. What was your biggest failure? I don't believe in failures...
5. What was the best thing you bought? a shelf system for our homeschooling stuff
6. Whose behavior merited celebration? My darling husband's, there's been so much positive change since we left the institutional church and it sooo excites me!
7. Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed? Mostly my own...I don't wanna grow up!
8. Where did most of your money go? simply living
9. What song will always remind you of 2008? hmmm...a techno song called Summer Rain by ATB, my 2 yr old sings it!
10. Compared to this time last year, are you i. happier or sadder? Happier ii. thinner or fatter? fatter(not for long) iii. Richer or poorer? Richer.
11. What do you wish you'd done more of? Spending more one on one time with God.
12. What do you wish you'd done less of? Wasting time on the
13. What was your favorite TV program? Lost and Smallville
14. What was the best book you read? The Shack, Pagan Christianity, Reimagining Church.
15. What was your favorite film of this year? Wanted...I like the challenge presented at the end, "What did you do to change the world this week?"
16. What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you? Went shopping and out for supper with my family...I turned 31.
17. What kept you sane? My husband...we were so on the same page last year....finally! lol
18. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most? None...I don't really do the whole celebrity worship thing, or put people on pedestals...
19. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2008: that prayer truly DOES get answered, even if it takes years to happen.
20. Word you said often enough that it should have been your catchphrase: "You know?" at the end of a sentence...sigh, drove Jamie nuts! lol
I tag Paige!!
2. What date from 2008 will remain etched upon your memory, and why? July long weekend, it was the first time we went camping as a family!
3. What was your biggest achievement of the year? Growing a baby
4. What was your biggest failure? I don't believe in failures...
5. What was the best thing you bought? a shelf system for our homeschooling stuff
6. Whose behavior merited celebration? My darling husband's, there's been so much positive change since we left the institutional church and it sooo excites me!
7. Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed? Mostly my own...I don't wanna grow up!
8. Where did most of your money go? simply living
9. What song will always remind you of 2008? hmmm...a techno song called Summer Rain by ATB, my 2 yr old sings it!
10. Compared to this time last year, are you i. happier or sadder? Happier ii. thinner or fatter? fatter(not for long) iii. Richer or poorer? Richer.
11. What do you wish you'd done more of? Spending more one on one time with God.
12. What do you wish you'd done less of? Wasting time on the
13. What was your favorite TV program? Lost and Smallville
14. What was the best book you read? The Shack, Pagan Christianity, Reimagining Church.
15. What was your favorite film of this year? Wanted...I like the challenge presented at the end, "What did you do to change the world this week?"
16. What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you? Went shopping and out for supper with my family...I turned 31.
17. What kept you sane? My husband...we were so on the same page last year....finally! lol
18. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most? None...I don't really do the whole celebrity worship thing, or put people on pedestals...
19. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2008: that prayer truly DOES get answered, even if it takes years to happen.
20. Word you said often enough that it should have been your catchphrase: "You know?" at the end of a sentence...sigh, drove Jamie nuts! lol
I tag Paige!!
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